Example sentences of "from the second [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the Portuguese elections of 1984 , where I was an adviser , it was quite a problem — it had always been done from the second floor — so I suggested the flatbed truck concept that had been so successful in Malta .
2 The bedstead , descending the narrower stairs from the second floor , had become firmly wedged between the banisters and the wall at the point where the stairs turned .
3 Now however she was standing , part of what might be described as a lively merry family scene , upon the landing , watching the descent of the divan bed from the second floor .
4 View from the second floor of Mrs O'Neill 's boarding house .
5 Different to Lefortovo , back in the dark ages from the second floor of the hospital block at Vladimir .
6 Remains of both the earlier cathedrals can be seen in the walls of the present building , while the magnificent bronze doors from the second cathedral , with their twelfth century Romanesque sculpture in 18 relief panels representing the life of S. Adalbert , are now displayed in one of the chapels of the choir .
7 The fact that the form of the polite or V pronoun is often borrowed from the second person plural , or third person singular or plural , pronouns , introduces considerable complexities into agreement systems ( Comrie , 1975 ; Corbett , 1976 ; Levinson , 1979b ) .
8 Her action against the school ( the first defendants ) failed but she recovered from the second defendants .
9 b ) Place strip 1 on your desk and carefully put the ¼ piece , from the second strip , beside it as shown on the side .
10 Assay of fractions of pooled and lyophilised urine from the second APGPR immunoreactivity peak from one of the normal male subjects clearly showed that the immunoreactive signal coeluted with synthetic APGPR suggesting that the immunoreactive peak was principally a result of the native peptide ( Fig 5A ) .
11 The target words occurred in sentences with two clauses , but the clauses varied in the extent to which the first clause could be fully interpreted without information from the second clause .
12 Dunlop was always in control of this race leading from the second lap and after that it just was n't a race .
13 As there is a danger that people will be confused and might buy from the second retailer thinking that they are buying from the other , he should be able to obtain an injunction preventing the second retailer from continuing to use the name he has chosen .
14 On a certain summer day , processions from both villages met en route to the same holy shrine , the procession from one village to pray for rain to make the cabbages grow bigger , and the other procession from the second village to pray for sunshine to ripen the grapes .
15 AT A TIME when many private railways are suffering stagnant growth or even a decline , the Great Central Railway is enjoying a steady rise in income from the second year running .
16 One , from the second year basic studies team who teach a programme bringing together English , history and geography in a thematic syllabus , includes lists of themes in each of these subjects .
17 More use of open ended case studies is made from the second year onwards and the subjects have been unified under broad themes rather than treated as separate subjects .
18 Similarly in school B teachers became aware of the barriers between the pupils and the teachers from the second year onwards .
19 For 54p a week , a family of Friends enjoys , among other benefits , free entry to all Historic Scotland monuments and , from the second year of membership , to all English and Welsh CADW monuments ( with half-price admission in the first year ) .
20 The amendments , although acknowledging the right of minorities to use their mother tongue , guaranteed education only in Latvian , and also stipulated that in institutes of higher education , instruction from the second year would be provided in Latvian only .
21 Antenor 's were returned to Athens after Alexander 's conquest , and stood beside their successors in Hellenistic and Roman times , but we know that the copies we have are from the second pair because they correspond to sketches on Athenian vases of the fifth century when the others were not available .
22 He was controversially omitted from the second Test even when captain Graham Gooch went down ill just before the start of that game .
23 The first one will keep the rope taut as you move offstage and run round the back and take over from the second helper who has been keeping the ‘ load ’ end taut .
24 I think Whelan has a goal ( from the second leg of the CCC ) ?
25 As you can see from the second run , pressing is treated as an error ( number 17 ) .
26 He arrived in England in 1963 when aged 16 and almost immediately immersed himself in sport ; as such he was one of the very first sportsmen to energy from the second generation West Indian immigrants .
27 The sun as the source of light , heat and life was worshipped from very early times and from the Second Dynasty became a predominant deity .
28 Another significant development emerging from the second survey is the extent of joint working and collaboration with other agencies .
29 That night I belted out one of my favourite speeches , the one from the second part of Henry IV in which the new king , Henry V , rejects the friendship of Falstaff .
30 Germany 's captain Nikki Pilic , who had barely put the debacle surrounding Germany 's Olympic nominations behind him , came in for criticism for not resting Becker from the second day 's doubles , especially after he had been forced to play himself into the ground to beat Luis Mattar over five sets in exhausting heat on the first day .
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