Example sentences of "from the first [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The story of Noah 's ark is one of the best known stories from the first chapters of Genesis .
2 It 's taken a year for Central to bring the show to our screens from the first talks with Tom in the USA .
3 Throughout the whole sequence , from the first musings to the final decision , he has been reacting spontaneously to what step by step he has been learning .
4 Today the Garrett manufacturing vase shows the company to have come a long way from the first detectors built on the garage bench .
5 It was known as SSCC from the first letters of its four partners : the School Mathematics Project ( SMP ) , Suffolk LEA , Chelsea ( now King 's ) College , London University , and the Cambridge , Oxford and Southern Schools Examination Council ( COSSEC ) .
6 Increasing pressure on the Poles to Germanise themselves , and the corresponding Polish reaction in both compliance and defiance , were all part of the impact of capitalist industrial organisation as it spread from the first comers of Western Europe , to the second rank of industrialising nations — to Germany , Japan and Italy in particular — and through them to their potential empires and marcher territories .
7 He demanded a refund from the first agents but they refused , arguing that because he had given them his credit card number he had entered into a contract .
8 For pre-industrial society , youth was a long transition period lasting from the first signs of independence of the young child to marriage .
9 It was 50 years from the first signs of the rundown of the British Empire to our going cap-in-hand to the International Monetary Fund for financial support .
10 Johnson Matthey 's business in the supply of both catalysts and complete engineered systems to control noxious emissions from industrial plants has benefited from the tightening of emission standards in our major markets and from the first signs of recovery from the recession .
11 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
12 From the first texts I published , I have attempted to systematize a deconstructive critique precisely against the authority of meaning , as the transcendental signified or as telos , in other words , history determined in the last analysis as the history of meaning , history in its logocentric , metaphysical , idealist … representation .
13 Air refuelling has come a long way from the first attempts in the thirties where the co-pilot literally popped out and grabbed the hose .
14 According to the Archangelsk-based newspaper , Volna , Moscow radio reported that the units would be financially independent , funding themselves in part by collecting titanium scrap " which is littering the entire tundra landscape from Mezen to the Yamal and beyond , in the form of wreckage from the first stages of rockets launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome " .
15 However , their history , from the first appointments in 1839 , has been one of constant change and adaptation .
16 From the first traces of their existence to this day , no example can be found of an interposition by the courts of Westminster Hall proceeding according to the general law of the land ; but the judges have acted as in a domestic forum .
17 From the first bars of Mozart 's ‘ Hunt ’ Quartet it was obvious that their effortlessly fluent and natural playing was at the service of artistic integrity .
18 He was what we have learned to call a WASP , and his lifetime coincided with the process , not yet quite completed , by which that caste — white Anglo-Saxon protestants of the northeast — was supplanted from the position of privilege that they had enjoyed from the first days of the Republic .
19 Now she suddenly thought what an interesting and novel item it would make in the fete if the Pack dressed up as Brownies through the years , showing the Brownie uniform from the first days to the present time .
20 Interestingly enough , broadside probably derives from the naval tactic of firing all the guns from one side of a ship of war at once , without giving the recipient the necessity of awaiting installments Such sheets are of historic importance , since they date back to the sixteenth century , when popular poems and ballads were issued in this form ; and royal and official proclamations took to the streets in this guise almost from the first days of printing .
21 The party as a whole proved the reality of its patriotism from the first days of the war , and the logic of this continuation from peacetime was underlined by the speed with which Ulster Unionists rallied to the flag in 1914 , and the gallantry with which they died on the Somme in 1916 .
22 From the first days of August , the president has had trouble even articulating the war aims , as not a few American commentators pointed out before ‘ supporting our boys ’ , prayer breakfasts , and a patriotism that may be more anxious than it yet seems , silenced them .
23 Civil war probably halted the work , with the result that 20th century tourists can still stumble on the stone axes where they were lain , and can study the progress of carving from the first outlines to the almost completed megalith ready to slide down from this rocky womb .
24 From the first heights heading north , the sails of the Adventure School 's windsurfers may be seen like pictures in a child 's storybook on the glimmering water .
25 Propaganda films from the first years of the Soviet system show enthusiastic crowds , and sometimes , in the background , weeping elderly women , watching the officially sanctioned looting of churches , which were then demolished or turned into granaries or museums of ‘ scientific atheism ’ .
26 Russia , from the first years of the eighteenth century onwards , is the most important exception to this generalisation .
27 For most of the period , from the first conquests in the fourteenth century until the rise of the South Slav nationalist movements in the nineteenth century , the empire was either preparing for a war against its Christian neighbours , fighting a war or recovering from a war .
28 MacMillan has said from the first announcements that it would be a big company ballet , involving a large cast , and he has provided just that .
29 Distantly she could feel the tremor of a heart still recognizably her own — though whether it shook with terror or from the first stirrings of a ferocious excitement was hard to distinguish now .
30 Applying Kirchhoff 's current law to the unloaded network , the phasor node-pair potentials , and are found to be related by Substituting for in the second equation in terms of and from the first yields from which the transfer function is Consequently the ratio of potential-difference amplitude between output and input is When k = 1 this is the same transmission as provided by the Wien network of figure 8.8(a) .
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