Example sentences of "from the time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We are a long way from the time where a computer could pass a reasonable judgement on the quality of an electronic document .
2 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
3 Ideas of the juxtaposition of the arid and the flowering desert were familiar to Eliot from the time when he had read Mayne Reid .
4 Some of my happiest memories date from the time when Father was alive .
5 Upon proof of the mortgage the court will make an order for foreclosure nisi , under which an officer of the court is directed to find what is due for principal , interest , and costs , and the mortgagor is ordered to pay within six months from the time when the amount is certified .
6 As a rule the right is first vested in the author , and continues for fifty years after his death ; but in the case of photographs and gramophone records the original owner of the negative or plate is treated as the author , and the right lasts for fifty years from the time when the negative or plate was made .
7 From the time when the Maktoums latched on to a prime source of Classic talent — the Kentucky Sales in Keeneland , Kentucky — Sangster 's lead was first questioned , then swamped , by the buying power of the Middle Eastern Royal families .
8 ‘ We are not perhaps far removed from the time when we shall be able to submit the bulk of chemical phenomena to calculation ’ , he said .
9 Contemporary psychology has come a long way from the time when J. B. Watson , the first behaviourist , forbade the consideration of non-observable entities .
10 Mrs Carrington takes up the account from the time when her husband was admitted to the intensive care unit .
11 It will normally be for four weeks from the time when you start to work under the new contract .
12 From the time when the sovereign lived at St James 's Palace , first occupied by Henry VIII and abandoned in favour of Buckingham House ( now Palace ) by George III , the court has traditionally been known as that of St James .
13 He went yet again in 1801 , by then she had altered from the time when she had ‘ full eyes , vermillion lips , and cheeks like lillies ’ to a ‘ bulky wife of a farmer , blessed with much good humour and a ready utterance . ’
14 This has been so for the Cape Verdians for close on 300 years , from the time when the original emigrants first found jobs on the North American whaling fleet .
15 The land is rich in wildlife and many plants still survive from the time when the area was marsh .
16 The damper song This comes from the time when old fires had dampers attached to control the fire .
17 In matters of this kind we are often considering a span of 15–20 years from the time when it is first apparent that an old person can not ‘ carry on as before ’ to the time of death .
18 From the time when Ali was stripped of his title until 1975 , the material conditions of blacks deteriorated ; unemployment tripled so that figures of 35–50 per cent were commonplace in urban ghettos ( Roberts and Kloss , 1979 , p.72 ) .
19 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
20 This rule seems to be a hangover from the time when the only remedies available under Ord. 53 were the prerogative orders : these are not available against contractual bodies , but there seems no good reason of policy or principle why a declaration or injunction should not be sought against such a body under Ord. 53 .
21 Claims for restitution have to be made however ( a ) within three years from the time when the claimant knew or ought reasonably to have known of the location , or the identity of the possessor of the object , and ( b ) in any case within a period of thirty years from the time of the theft .
22 From the time when British was Best , ’ I replied .
23 This , we hoped , would permit us to see the various stages of the project in operation from the time when a school began to plan its proposal to the time when the materials purchased with project funds were already in use .
24 He had been carried along by his wife 's extraordinary power of making decisions , from the time when she had walked into the offices of Glebe and Pargeter , when his old father was alive , and told him that her great-aunt had left her some money and she had decided to invest it in a London house .
25 The next question is whether B 's letter is to be regarded as an acceptance from the time when A receives it .
26 The greater prominence of physiology in geographical botany dates from the time when physiologists , who formerly worked in European laboratories only , began to study the vegetation of foreign countries in its native land .
27 ( 3 ) Unless a licence is transferred to another employee or agent within eight weeks from the time when the employee or agent named in a licence ceases to be responsible for the day to day running of the premises to which the licence relates , the licence shall cease to have effect .
28 Nothing could shake the steadiness of such men as Hugh Waterton or John Norbury , who had been in his service from the time when he had been merely Henry of Bolingbroke , earl of Derby , and even that title borrowed by courtesy from his father .
29 Right from the time when you were only a kid ! ’
30 Such a neutralising of the grantor 's intentions was not something that evolved in Charles the Bald 's reign , a degradation of a once-pure system : rather , there was always , from the time when the earliest precarial grants are documented , a tendency for grants to be assimilated to hereditary lands , and then be passed along with those to the beneficiary 's heirs .
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