Example sentences of "from year to [noun] " in BNC.

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61 But there were significant variations from year to year and between different regions .
62 In order to continue to monitor the developments in the English vocabulary from day to day and from year to year , it is essential for the Dictionary Department to continue to collect such quotations .
63 Dealers regard Matisse as an unreliable vineyard whose quality and yield varied from year to year .
64 This is defined as the rent which it might reasonably be expected to command if let from year to year , with the tenant bearing the rates and the cost of insurance and repairs .
65 The Secretary of State may not increase the NNDR from year to year by more than the increase in the Retail Price Index .
66 The account goes on from year to year , for as long as you want .
67 You can carry balances on the Account forward from year to year .
68 The agency functions under the supervision of the state auditing board and must submit its audited report to parliament from year to year .
69 The total expenditure varied very much from shire to shire and from year to year .
70 No government reports measured from year to year the changes in their conditions of life : nor do they figure in statistical columns beyond their place in the tables of births , deaths , and marriages .
71 Although questions on examinations differ from year to year , here are some from a recent CAM examination in Advertising :
72 Bittern numbers fluctuate from year to year and a severe winter hits them hard .
73 English does n't change from year to year and history does n't change and languages are just languages but physics and chemistry are changing constantly because new things are being discovered .
74 Previously , the ‘ volume ’ plans — that is , plans at constant prices — were regarded by spending managers as entitlements , carried forward from year to year regardless of what was happening to costs .
75 More comprehensive programmes , flexibly organised and stable from year to year , are required .
76 ‘ Term of years absolute ’ means a term of years … either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; … and in this definition the expression ‘ term of years ’ includes a term for less than a year , or for a year or years and a fraction of a year or from year to year ; …
77 Rigge v. Bell ( 1793 ) 5 Durn. & E. 471 a parol agreement for a seven-year lease did not comply with the Statute of Frauds 1677 but the tenant entered and paid a yearly rent and it was held that he was tenant from year to year on the terms of the agreement .
78 Now it is said that when in the present case the tenant entered pursuant to the agreement and paid a yearly rent he became a tenant from year to year on the terms of the agreement including clause 6 which prevents the landlord from giving notice to quit until the land is required for road widening .
79 This submission would make a nonsense of the rule that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease and would make nonsense of the concept of a tenancy from year to year because it is of the essence of a tenancy from year to year that both the landlord and the tenant shall be entitled to give notice determining the tenancy .
80 This submission would make a nonsense of the rule that a grant for an uncertain term does not create a lease and would make nonsense of the concept of a tenancy from year to year because it is of the essence of a tenancy from year to year that both the landlord and the tenant shall be entitled to give notice determining the tenancy .
81 And whether he were not in this dilemma ; that either his estate might enure for life , at his option ; and then according to Lord Coke such an estate would , in legal contemplation , be an estate for life ; which could not be created by parol : or if not for life , being for no assignable period , it must operate as a tenancy from year to year ; in which case it would be inconsistent with , and repugnant to the nature of such an estate , that it should not be determinable at the pleasure of either party giving the regular notice .
82 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the lessor binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once thrown out by Lord Mansfield , has been long exploded .
83 These authorities indicate plainly enough that the agreement in the present case did not create a lease and that the tenancy from year to year enjoyed by the tenant as a result of entering into possession and paying a yearly rent can be determined by six months ' notice by either landlord or tenant .
84 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the landlord binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once rejected by Lord Mansfield and exploded long before 1807 according to Lawrence J. in Doe d .
85 368 did not apply to a tenancy from year to year and said [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 , 733 :
86 A tenancy from year to year is saved from being uncertain because each party has power by notice to determine at the end of any year .
87 A power for nobody to determine or for one party only to be able to determine is inconsistent with the concept of a term from year to year : see Warner v. Browne , 8 East 165 and Cheshire Lines Committee v. Lewis & Co . ,
88 A lease can be made from year to year subject to a fetter on the right of the landlord to determine the lease before the expiry of five years unless the war ends .
89 A lease might be made from year to year subject to a fetter on the right of the landlord to determine the lease before the war ends .
90 The tenancy was not from year to year but for a term which would continue until Matlodge certified that it was ready to proceed with the development of the property .
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