Example sentences of "but which [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 On July 25-26 they moved into the building in Karantina , Beirut , which had formerly housed the Health Ministry but which during the civil war had become the headquarters of the LF .
2 Feminists need a more dynamic view of reading , one which maintains a political perspective , but which at the same time concedes that there is room for manoeuvre between text and audience .
3 The Government adverted to this problem in its White Paper , recognising that ‘ it is not easy to define in a manner which conforms with the normally precise definitions of the criminal law , but which at the same time is sufficiently general to catch the variety of conduct aimed at .
4 She used to make things that are now quite commonplace but which at the time seemed really exotic — fabulous cakes like kugelhopf and filled croissants which were wheeled in on a trolley for tea .
5 In consultation with colleges in 1989 , we planned the changeover to the new system over three years and three batches , providing , we hoped , a timetable which was not too rushed but which at the same time allowed centres to progress at a pace which met their candidates ' needs .
6 Even though banks hold only very small amounts of cash , they nevertheless hold a large amount of other relatively liquid assets which act as reserves , but which at the same time earn interest .
7 They were selected because it is clear that , judged by current psychiatric criteria , they all did suffer from episodes of psychosis — to introduce a technical term to be defined more precisely as we proceed through this and the following chapter , but which for the moment can be taken as synonymous with the layperson 's conception of mental illness as it occurs in its most disintegrative form and which especially refers to serious disorders , like schizophrenia .
8 A great many of them , out of respect for her , for him , for the grief which was meant to inhabit him , but which for the moment , he knew , he only represented .
9 In the inch wars , Ryvita helps you win — so goes the old advert punch line , but which of the two main Graphical User Interfaces is likely to be the one to give you the best operating environment ?
10 Owen knew from the title that this was a member of the Egyptian Royal Family but which of the Khedive 's numerous progeny it was escaped him for the moment .
11 She wanted a house in the famous street but which of the residents would consider moving .
12 We finally arrived at an event of which the adult Sylvia had no recollection whatsoever , but which to the baby must have been dramatically traumatic .
13 One alternative to such phrases lies in expressions of your own which are intended to convey more genuine , original response , but which within the overall register of academic essay-writing can sound uncritical or even gushing : " brilliant " , " fantastic " , " really wonderful " , " quite magical " , " unbelievably beautiful " .
14 This means that the process of totalization must be kept moving by the critical investigation itself on which it comes to depend but which by the same token it can never subsume .
15 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
16 Thus to honour the first of the Roman emperors an orderly arrangement was reduced to an illogical jumble that many people find difficult to remember but which in the course of 2,000 years has been successfully imposed on most of the world .
17 In terms of arguments about the Caucasian Albanians , a people which no longer exists but which in the Middle Ages inhabited the disputed region .
18 This strategy marks a structure of repetition in Sartre 's text : each time he poses the question of how there can be totalization of History without a totalizer , he retreats to a more limited example whose unity is already evident , but which in the end only brings him back to the original question again .
19 The language feminists used to make this appeal was steeped in the evangelical tradition , which in the early and mid-nineteenth century had proved as successful as science in containing women , but which in the later part of the century was used by feminists to argue for an extension of maternal influence beyond the home .
20 Sending up eternal thanks to whatever deity happened to be in residence , she turned into the lane , which probably in sunlight , or at least daylight , was pretty , but which in the car 's headlights looked waterlogged , thankfully parked , stretched her cramped muscles , dragged on her hat , and got out .
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