Example sentences of "but from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 OUP has the Oxford Dictionary of Business English , but from the one page I have seen there is a high proportion of defining as opposed to explaining , as in ‘ AAR ( Against all Risks-insurance/shipping ) ’ .
2 In 1958 the appeal to which de Gaulle responded came not from the " eternal fatherland " submerged by foreign forces but from the European settlers and the French army in Algeria , elements of which were in open insurrection against the legal , democratic government .
3 But from the 1630s the idea of high class residential areas was introduced from Italy .
4 The most dramatic proposal for co-operation , however , came not from Spaak and Monnet , the so-called ‘ fathers of Europe ’ , but from the Dutch foreign minister , Johan Beyen .
5 But from the shy and retiring six thirty team have a good evening .
6 The policy inefficacy proposition derives , not from the rational expectations hypothesis , but from the behavioural model which underpins the natural rate hypothesis of the new classical macroeconomics .
7 The activity ‘ springs neither from instant desires , nor from general principles , but from the existing behaviours themselves ’ .
8 Moreover I agree with her that , if there is to be a right to recovery in respect of taxes exacted unlawfully by the revenue , it is irrelevant to consider whether the old rule barring recovery of money paid under mistake of law should be abolished , for that rule can have no application where the remedy arises not from error on the part of the taxpayer , but from the unlawful nature of the demand by the revenue .
9 Another Oxford graduate , but from the lower middle class , Jones had apparently the right socialist credentials , but his activism centred on his local south-London Labour Party .
10 Responding to Chervov 's call for the inclusion of naval forces in the current Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) talks , the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff , Gen. Colin Powell , said that " the real threat in Europe [ did ] not come from the US Navy but from the overwhelming Soviet ground forces , backed by air forces " .
11 Weeping trees are often associated with water , but from the foregoing one can appreciate that they are not generally suited to poolside planting .
12 They too , like the hillside jungle , were tumultuous with evening , but from the remote height turned to stillness , their fierceness tempered by the air that lay between .
13 One of the peculiarities of this problem comedy is that the main obstacle to the course of true love comes not , as is traditional , from the older generation but from the young hero , Bertram .
14 But from the tall , hawk-faced man beside her came nothing of the subtle serenity she hoped for , only a sense of controlled power that dispersed when he said prosaically , ‘ I 'm sorry , did I kick your ankle ?
15 In 1891 the Review of the Churches began publication and it included representative editors from not only Nonconformity but from the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England .
16 The Galleries will act as a one million sq ft magnet to six million shoppers , not just from Birmingham , but from the entire West Midlands conurbation and beyond .
17 While the political literati lay waste to vast tracts of newsprint in their musings about the causes of Labour 's failure , and the shortcomings of the political system that compounded it , those people who constitute what ought to be the bedrock of oppositional electoral support are becoming increasingly alienated not only from the Labour Party , but from the entire political process .
18 Russian industrialists were still largely dependent on foreign raw materials and machinery , but from the late 1860s they did enjoy a steep rise in orders .
19 For twenty years De Lamerie 's silver shows a strong dependence on French Régence designs , and techniques such as heavy formal cast and applied ornament , but from the late 1720s his work demonstrates asymmetry , with rich figurative chasing and a revival of the auricular and massive motifs of a century earlier .
20 His own background was also as a joiner , but from the late 1740s onwards he developed a quite extensive professional practice in both Shropshire and the neighbouring counties .
21 My ‘ heavenly brother ’ was not a Sasse boy , but from the primary school in nearby Mutengene mission where I had been staying for a few days .
22 Does he agree that they are at greater risk not from imports but from the minimum wage , which would devastate the knitwear industry ?
23 This structure is not , as might at first be imagined , derived from a fantasy of power relations modelled on a medieval joust but from the phenomenological account of the constitution of knowledge that works according to the structure of a subject perceiving an object , a same/other dialectic in which the other is first constituted by the same through its negation as other before being incorporated within it .
24 During the sixteenth century Myddle was essentially a society consisting of numerous smallholders and a few large farmers , but from the second half of Elizabeth 's reign onwards poor immigrants came into the parish in search of labouring work and the opportunity to erect a cottage in the woods or on the manorial wastes .
25 A line of cabs at the taxi rank waited for their drivers to emerge , not as normally from the green cabman 's shelter reeking of cabbage and saveloys , but from the long humped air-raid shelter among the dusty trees .
26 There is certainly a theoretical distinction , but from the practical view of attempting correction , there probably is not .
27 The Ray-Bans obscured his eyes , but from the subtle hardening of his jaw she had the feeling she 'd angered him .
28 Those Russians who had taken his room did not pursue , but from the upper storey and outbuildings at the back came the curses , shots and screams of men in mortal combat .
29 Sadly , the crucial area of their juncture is missing , but from the surviving fragments of the scene there is a strong resemblance to the typical stance adopted by Hercules in strangling the lion .
30 But from the two paper on pages 539 and 541 of this issue it seems that , in at least one important respect , the mammalian visual cortex and the insect optic lobe operate upon visual patterns in a similar way .
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