Example sentences of "but not for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But not for real , I hasten to point out . ’
2 Government Departments can , however , under the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 , be sued for the recovery of property , for breach of an ordinary commercial contract , but not for that of a contract of service , a contract dependent upon a future grant of money by parliament , nor , it seems , one in which the Crown purports to fetter its own future executive action , or for a tort .
3 But not for that .
4 I mean , he 's been into court but not for that long .
5 Exercise 6 suggests a method for dealing with the case where the LP is unbounded or infeasible at θ = 0 , but not for all values of 0 .
6 For many , but not for all , there is a greater degree of choice about where we live , though , ironically , changing household lifestyles often introduces new constraints as more members go out to work .
7 But not for all .
8 He stressed that the CP would continue to demand a whites-only general election , and that " this is not the end of the political war " ; the CP would recognize the referendum result " as the actual situation , but not for all eternity " .
9 but not for all these , you know
10 C3 , C4 and C5 — For the complete areas of study but not for individual elements
11 They may well provide insight and help for other behavioural disorders but not for addictive disease as such .
12 people who discussed politics more during the campaign gave personal conversations a somewhat higher rating for providing information on the issues , but not for other purposes .
13 Each DHA would continue to be responsible to provide and pay for comprehensive care for its own resident population , but not for other people without current compensation .
14 These results are typical of the others : the speculative efficiency hypothesis is rejected for some but not for other exchange rates .
15 Discharged , perhaps , but not for good .
16 Oases are misleadingly named ; they are simply polar desert areas , notable for their absence of ice but not for floristic abundance .
17 The student loans is going to replace entitlements to housing benefit and social security for er students but not for disabled students .
18 A novelist like Fielding , who is on familiar terms with the other nation ( he married his deceased wife 's maid and friend , Mary Daniel ) , may sometimes take his gentlemen into such rooms , but not for moral reasons : Molly Seagrim 's narrow garret , shaped like the great delta of the Greeks , is a setting for sexual comedy , not social concern .
19 I discovered it was to become a community centre — but not for eighteen months .
20 These would eventually identify the abandoned Volvo , but not for two weeks .
21 ‘ Dahlum can strike a ball well with either foot and could develop into something decent , but not for two or three months . ’
22 but not for two I mean me and Stuart
23 Debenham & Freebody 's of Wigmore Street did so in 1920 , but not for tardy payment of a long outstanding account but for an order which the customer denied had ever been given .
24 Table 11 reaffirms that there is significantly greater RFA in men than in women for verbal tasks , but not for spatial ones .
25 This is ideal for thick yarns and pile knitting , but not for ordinary work .
26 There was some support for specialist but not for general practice franchising .
27 Each of the ways of expressing the no-arbitrage condition considered in Chapter 4 allows for compound growth , but not for continuous compounding .
28 Popular misconceptions often stem from assuming that the national debt is analogous with private debt , which is true for external government debt but not for internal debt :
29 But not for half an hour or so — what 's the matter ? ’ as Leonora stared at him , wide-eyed .
30 He never thought he would make old bones , but not for this reason .
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