Example sentences of "but at [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And er this divided this street into two but at probably a number of years before , it had been tunnelled in and the top part of the street was called Street and there , there was a slight hill run down to .
2 Within a few years of this last attempt by an emperor to rally the Roman empire to paganism , a Greek bishop could speak of Julian 's pagan revival as a misguided attempt to introduce ‘ novelties ’ in place of the traditional religion ; but at much the same time in the West , Christians were still regarded as outside the mainstream of respectable upper-class culture , as the foolish minority who rejected the wise and hallowed traditions of their forefathers which had made Rome great .
3 The Hurricanes dived on them , but at once the escorting fighters were on their tails ; at least two ‘ convoys ’ were noted of Ju87 , Hurricane , Bf109E in line astern , all firing .
4 This year , he had been offered the same opportunity , but at twice the price .
5 They were sparse , little more than a wide and overgrown hedge , but at least no dragon would be able to fly through them .
6 In Liverpool , a dockers ' spokesman with the Transport and General Workers Union admitted : ‘ Drivers are n't happy handling some of these commodities , but at least a lorry-driver has more idea of what he is handling than a docker , who could have a consignment and just not know what it is . ’
7 You might think there was something wrong with you if you did not enjoy this form of dedicated slavery but at least a woman had someone to share it with : her husband — and that third party in almost every educated parental home , Dr Benjamin Spock .
8 And each time we visited the mountains , we would find the Syrians not an inch nor even a metre but at least a mile nearer to Beirut .
9 Different colours are available , as well as custom finishes , but I hope PRS do n't start offering options that push the price over £1000 , because with their current retail price these guitars offer not a cheap , but at least a reasonably affordable chance to own a real quality instrument .
10 But at least a call could be justified , as advisable to inform the Countess of the situation vis-à-vis her husband .
11 But at least a dream of empire was not as impossible as it had been in 1558 .
12 He certainly held deep convictions as to the absolute wrongness of the Liberal policies that he opposed , but at least a part of his apparent hostility was assumed for the occasion , a hard line that might secure a better compromise in the end .
13 Perhaps not a great deal , but at least a glimmer !
14 It would half kill her , but at least a remedy existed .
15 But at least a quarter lived in some kind of poverty , even if the degree of their deprivation stopped short of actual destitution .
16 But at least a lot of players have sampled international competition at their own level and that can only be good for the game .
17 Four divisions of ten may not be the ideal solution for the future of Scottish football — it does n't , for example , address the problem of clubs meeting four times a season — but at least a reduction in the number of games from 44 to 36 will give everyone breathing space .
18 Two ideas over-large for reconciliation are fronting each other now , and there 'll be no peace until there 's been — no , ’ he checked himself , ‘ I wo n't say a settlement , but at least a temporary losing and winning that shall silence us both until we get our breath for the next bout .
19 But at least the Cain 's mob would have made the lunch where the awards were announced .
20 SANDY LYLE conducted another exercise in self-immolation while Chip Beck discovered that his gunpowder was damp and useless but at least the American left a legacy after his first visit to the Suntory World Matchplay Championship .
21 We had almost completely forgotten about Christmas — but at least the kitchen was finished . ’
22 Field of Corn it may be , but at least the corn is not over-ripe .
23 Of course , Atari has not cut the price of its ST micro for two years , but at least the raw 520ST-FM has a powerful 16/32-bit Motorola 68000 processor , 512K of memory , upgraded 720K disc drive and a mouse .
24 Dr Tyrell stressed that the results do not mean that a similar vaccine can be made for HIV ‘ but at least the road now does not look like a dead end ’ .
25 This bizarre concept makes a mockery of any claim that the dolphin slaughter by the tuna industry is incidental , but at least the quota provides a limited measure of control .
26 But at least the new developments should ease the diplomatic impasse that has kept relations between Japan and the Soviet Union frozen for 46 years .
27 We might say it is galling for people to hear such things when they have been told they will die in the wilderness , but at least the promises of God remain very much in force for their children .
28 But at least the South Bank was freed .
29 But at least the hole in its order book is no longer growing so fast .
30 But at least the mineral waters are analysed and labelled .
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