Example sentences of "but in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The principal movements that found their way into the full orchestral suite have ben heard too often to allow much deviation in interpretation , but in the other , rarer music , Pons is far freer with his tempi than Izquierdo , possibly because there is no narration overlaying the music .
2 In one direction you will see the normal wave movement of the needles knitting , but in the other direction the needles hardly move at all , that is they SLIP ( and , even if you 'd had yarn threaded and stitches on the needles , they would n't have knitted on this row ) .
3 For example , Radford ( 1970 ) in a study of two contrasting Worcestershire villages found one village with an established pattern of stratification , but in the other village with a strong newcomer element , she found an increasingly mobile and polarized society .
4 But in the other field , the two hundred pregnant sheep had completely disappeared .
5 In code switching , the symbolic value of each language attaches to utterances in it , giving them their special meaning in context by contrast with an utterance with the similar content , but in the other code .
6 It 's not a lot further than Gatwick but in the other direction .
7 MRI may show involvement of the renal veins and inferior vena cava in renal cell carcinoma and has the advantage over computed tomography of demonstrating the tumour/thrombus not only in the axial but in the coronal plane where the superior and inferior extent of involvement can be clearly shown .
8 The expression of pain in his face became something else entirely : in some part horror , in some part awe , but in the greatest part some sentiment for which she knew no word .
9 But in the Japanese Empire she at last came up against an eastern power developing at a rate comparable to her own , and one capable of offering effective resistance .
10 But in the overall scheme of things , we did n't do badly for media support .
11 Section 6.2 looks again at conventional applications development , but in the overall context of a database approach , and then we look at alternative ways of developing applications , again in a database environment .
12 There is no triforium to the nave but in the eastern arm is a stubby triforium arcade and a fine apse with ambulatory and radiating chapels .
13 The Romans made only tentative essays into building such designs but in the eastern Mediterranean and even further east — in Persia , Iran , Armenia , Syria — Christianity had taken root earlier than in Rome and churches were built of this type from the second century A.D. onwards .
14 The charms of Lochinver are not found in the village , however , but in the immediate environs and in the hinterland .
15 But in the immediate wake of the October 19 crash , IBM 's most serious rival , Comdisco , disclosed that it had lost $100m in a business that had nothing to do with its main occupation of leasing and trading IBM equipment .
16 It was written not in Latin , but in the Romance language .
17 Of course there is little chance of an amateur collector acquiring an appreciable part of one of these great animals , but in the right site fragments of dinosaur skeletons may be picked up .
18 But in the right circumstances , ‘ hot metal ’ is capable of some remarkable feats .
19 So I borrowed some money and bought a store of my own , a tiny place , a cigar store , but in the right part of town , and in the right part of the right part of town .
20 ‘ Silas is still longing to go to bed with me , so you can wish me luck that I 'll get him there eventually — but in the right circumstances , of course . ’
21 But in the second set of experiments , a neural event preceding the RP would only serve to make the effect Libet is claiming even more striking and alternative explanations still need to be sought .
22 But in the second week television coverage of defence doubled to 12 per cent , and in the third week it doubled again to 26 per cent before almost disappearing from the bulletins in the fourth and fifth weeks .
23 But in the second round , when Ms Wilson was eliminated , Mr Davies had 35 trade union votes against Mr Field 's 16 .
24 But in the second half of the eleventh century and in the early twelfth , liege homage was still a new and growing force in France and England : an experiment which was proving widely acceptable as a solution to the intolerable problem of divided loyalties .
25 But in the second quarter of the twelfth century , among the upper clergy , comes a change ; bishops with children and hereditary canons become an extreme rarity .
26 Walsh then set up Julian Joachim to make it 3-0 in 27 minutes , but in the second half Martin Ling hit the bar before Mickey Hazard pulled a goal back .
27 But in the second order system they take on a different set of structural features .
28 The search for such dating methods has continued for some time , but in the second half of this century several methods have been developed , which provide much better ways of dating some sites and finds .
29 In the first case the client 's quantity surveyor may possibly include an estimate of the cost in the valuation but in the second case the amount will be omitted from the valuation completely .
30 He influenced the first Navigation Act ( 1650 ) when foreign ships were banned from the colonies , but in the second Act ( 1651 ) the trade was opened .
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