Example sentences of "but not a great " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It made money , but not a great deal , ’ he says .
2 Whether working in watercolours or oils we see him as a real painter 's painter , a technical wizard , but not a great imaginative talent .
3 There was some dissent in the Aube , but not a great deal , for there was little chance of enforcing the law and the Aubois were content with continuing their business of supplying those houses in the Marne which covertly required their wines .
4 All of these have obvious relevance to the running of Expo , but not a great deal to the maintenance of a high tech culture .
5 There were archers with them , but not a great company , and some three-score men-at-arms , all mounted ; and a knot of bright devices he could not quite read at that distance , though their colours did almost as well .
6 Whichever party is in power makes some but not a great deal of difference .
7 They 're going to erm , they 're going to give the money towards running a forum , but not a great deal , and then it does n't even cost that much , it just really a question of erm , mailshots and twice yearly events or whatever .
8 There are one or two areas where I remained confused but I 'm pleased to hear from Mrs that we 're going to get some more information on milestones and growth because I looked at appendix B and thought well , yes , that tells me something but not a great deal .
9 a little bit , but not a great deal those gears most of the time as well the ones that we cruise in top gear I do n't think that 's really for me
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