Example sentences of "but i get the " in BNC.

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1 I du n no why , but I get the feeling 's summat 's up — you know , a sort of scared feeling in my tummy .
2 I du n no , but I get the feeling everyone 's all looking forward to Christmas — you know , opening all the prezzies and stuff like that .
3 But I get the impression that this life change is nothing when compared to having a baby .
4 The others suggest this is n't such a good idea but I get the impression they think this mainly because he 'd only end up in prison .
5 It strikes me the symbolism of this whole venture would be better were it he and Andy balancing together on the seat , but I get the impression Andy 's partner is n't fully into such flamboyance .
6 I 've never got a plot out of a conversation , but I get the way people talk . ’
7 I mean , do you think that perhaps is , is more advanced than Plato , because Plato on this incredible myth of his of going on this journey where ordinary people 's view of the form was n't very good so they would come back in an inf perhaps in an inferior form , but I get the feeling that with we have the opportunity of seeing something that is going to improve us anyway , that we 've all got an equal chance of some kind of improvement .
8 I have n't dear , no I ca n't get a bus pass but I get the grant from the Council in er January twenty five pound we get to help towards the fuel bills you see , no .
9 Yeah , but I get the bla bloody blame for it then !
10 He said : ‘ The word from Manchester United fans was that we could do them a big favour , and we 've undoubtedly done them one , but I got the impression that our own fans would not have been too bothered if we 'd lost today . ’
11 So I pulled to the side and I had n't changed a tyre for a long time , but I got the jack out of the back and started to jack the car up , and while I was doing it , these two ladies went , ‘ Ah , it 's Sting ’ .
12 In the end , I never quite mastered the backhand , but I got the tantrums down to a tee ( you can not be serious ! — Ed ) .
13 ‘ Thank you , but I got the drift . ’
14 ‘ Austin has won twice this year , but I got the championship lead back again last week so I do n't think he is very happy .
15 I may be wrong , but I got the distinct impression that Melanie did n't think too highly of Carol .
16 But I got the impression he was just using her . ’
17 ‘ Paul Wilkinson put in a great header but I got the final touch for my second goal . ’
18 Had n't moved in , but I got the keys before the holiday .
19 But I got the main thing off a , off a TV programme .
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