Example sentences of "but be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 New phases bring new dominant tendencies , but are not to be regarded as self-contained episodes .
2 If the modules should be included in the package but are not to be approved ( i.e. already approved issues ) ensure that the modules are included as SELECTED-ISSUES in the module relations section of the package header .
3 In general they offer assistance with all types of problem but are often to be found in the areas of urban development and rehousing which are likely to expose housing , welfare benefit and educational problems .
4 If we are looking for advice on a particular situation which affects us then impartiality of the second type is particularly important ; for instance , the judge who assesses the relevant facts and selects the relevant moral or legal rules must not be someone who has something to gain or lose by the outcome , although this presupposes the correctness of the rules to be applied and so takes us back to the impartiality normally associated with legislators , which is a matter of their involvement in determining rules which are not only universalisable but are actually to be universalised , at least within a given community , and to their impartiality in the third sense namely the adequacy of the consideration given to the various relevant considerations .
5 It then assumes a parliamentary intention that the steps which Parliament has enjoined or authorized for saving or minimizing tax shall not be effective if they are carried out for that purpose but are only to be effective if carried out for some other ‘ legitimate ’ business purpose .
6 Commissioners were accordingly appointed to make perambulations in the forests of Devon and Surrey : they were to be returned into the Chancery before Christmas , but were not to be put into effect until the officers of the central administration had had an opportunity of comparing them with the earlier perambulations of Edward I 's time .
7 They built manyattas , but were not to be found in them ; they were Potemkin manyattas , the real ones flourishing in inaccessible places .
8 At present this comprises twenty favourites , but is shortly to be enlarged by another twenty .
9 The ISPA plans to pay him this money later in the week but is also to discipline him .
10 The individual 's congenitally imperfect constitution is commonly described as his nature , but is not to be confused with his basic nature .
11 We shall perhaps never know what sparked his enthusiasm for collecting , but is certainly to be thanked for saving the many carriages , vans and carts which would otherwise have been broken up or left to rot .
12 He cut down to five when the policy was introduced , but is back to pre-ban levels .
13 THE FIASCO that has surrounded Europe 's Super-SARA experiment into nuclear safety — a project that has cost £100 million but is now to be abandoned part-built — is spilling over into another arena of big-budget research , nuclear fusion .
14 Among several other flaws in Anselm 's election and investiture , there was one which neither Anselm nor anyone else mentioned at the time , but was later to be held against him by the papal legate : on a strict view , his election -in addition to all its other legal defects — had been schismatic , since the king and all the others who took part , with the sole exception of Anselm himself , were schismatics , for they had not recognized Urban II as the legitimate pope although he had now been pope for five years .
15 Lane had his own small office but was rarely to be found in it .
16 Important items of equipment have mysteriously gone missing : a headtorch , which was on my head as I returned to the car at the end of a Wasdale winter expedition but was nowhere to be found when I arrived back home ; or the key , map and information to a hut in Wales for which my club had recently gained reciprocal rights — all three items vanished between locking up the hut on our departure and arriving back home in South Cumbria .
17 Bill Pedler was made an Honorary Member but was never to be quite the force he was prewar .
18 Resigned to being detained for several minutes , Melissa forced herself to be pleasant , making suitable replies to his comments on the weather and agreeing that it was a bit unsettled , that frost was still likely to be a problem but was only to be expected at this time of year .
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