Example sentences of "but [adv] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It also contained her unconscious valedictory : As a Catholic observer who has lived in the Third World for nearly 30 years , I have followed developments in the Church , at times with despair but mostly with optimism .
2 The " excretory system " terminating in the excretory pore is almost certainly not concerned with excretion , but rather with osmoregulation and salt balance .
3 It encouraged the owners to voluntary arbitration , but rarely with success .
4 If only she were able to stay here for the remainder of the holiday ; but perhaps with Mum and Dad away , even here might start to haunt her .
5 We have also shown that TCR- α expression is irrelevant to these processes , but together with TCR- β rearrangement and expression it allows further differentiation into mature , CD4 or CD8 SP thymocytes expressing high levels of αβ TCR and CD3 .
6 But along with change is a commitment to the values that have kept us operating successfully as a group for over 200 years — service , quality , innovation — all these things and more .
7 The three-times Wimbledon champ has quit playing now , but along with husband Andy Mill she was keen to see some of today 's big names in action .
8 ripe cloves have innumerable uses , preferably crushed , in all kinds of savoury cooking , but especially with meat , fish and vegetables ; fondues , omelettes , salads , flans , sauces ; if frying , do so lightly — too hot oil or fat destroys the good flavour
9 There is a need for a more vigorous competition policy both in manufacturing industry and services but especially with respect to public sector monopolies , and for a change in fiscal policy to remove the artificial incentives which companies now have to retain earnings .
10 We work with these ‘ linked ’ organisations on all aspects of archiving but especially with respect to developing an acquisitions policy and promoting the use of the specialist archive ;
11 He 's like this with my dad , he laughs so loud , Adam does , but only with dad and with you .
12 I 've spoken to Gordon at length about this several times and he has been coping with it — but only with difficulty . ’
13 Those who can walk , but only with difficulty , will not be able to walk the full length of High Row . ’
14 In conformity with their special status , keoi can not be killed with ordinary weapons , but only with fire .
15 Well we were , but only with daddy .
16 The reach of corporatist theory is over ambitious : it makes sense of things but only with respect to some groups ; some issues ; some periods ; and at some levels of the state .
17 A significant improvement was found with active treatment but not with placebo .
18 But not with gas .
19 Or rather , they 're going , but not with cheque book in hand and buying intentions in mind .
20 The increase in PGE 2 associated with Helicobacter pylori seems likely to be a consequence of the associated inflammatory cell infiltrate as it was seen in patients with type B ( chronic active ) but not with type C ( chemical ) gastritis , which is characterised by a paucity of inflammatory cells .
21 We were trying to put a finger on what it is that humans and moles and earthworms and airliners and watches have in common with each other , but not with blancmange , or Mont Blanc , or the moon .
22 felt that associated members might be connected with suppliers but not with Funeral Directors .
23 This faster stream chatted about the mysteries of calculus , and were happy to help me as I was anxious to he helped — but not with calculus .
24 His voice shook , but not with anger .
25 She turned on me then , but not with anger , her tone one of contempt .
26 The recurrent cancer also showed allele loss with p144-D6 , but not with Lambda MS8 .
27 Using × 20 I have suspected it — the integrated magnitude is given as between 7 and 8 — but not with certainty , and there is nothing else of any real interest in Lacerta .
28 Jess was overcome , but not with joy .
29 differentiate that , with respect to sine X but not with respect to X.
30 The stars shone overhead , remote but always with promise of something better than the brief rush of biological existence .
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