Example sentences of "but [pron] [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But nothing is that simple , especially in the Balkans .
2 … Everything is temporary , but nothing is arbitrary . ’
3 There 's no doubt poor joints or iffy angle alignment can spoil this sort of job , but nothing is worse than a staircase border which snakes up and down , glaring at you daily .
4 But nothing is surprised .
5 ‘ Well , I nivver said I could read Indian signs , but them 's some make of jeep thing .
6 But everyone is keen to say that it is hardly ever used now .
7 We are staying in what was the British part of the city a long time ago , and as you can imagine the ‘ British Imperialists ’ are not very popular here , but everyone is kind to us , and does n't mention such things .
8 But everyone is happy .
9 erm but everyone 's financial position er suffered as a result .
10 But theirs is bigger , they 've got a pottery room , they 've got careers education there
11 ‘ They 'll have to make adjustments , but theirs is such a rugby culture that they 'll spare nothing .
12 yeah I know , yeah but theirs is forty something
13 But nobody is sure of the white extremists ' power .
14 I it it 's oh no , we do n't want war , we 're all against war , but nobody is prepared to bother actually to go to a meeting or , or pay a small subscription and , and then you w you could of had a very strong United Nations now the same as after the first world war , but it 's the people that did n't do it .
15 But nobody is comparable with Redmond the indomitable .
16 Poverty is widespread in this former British protectorate but nobody is starving and the people themselves , the Batswana , are shyly welcoming .
17 But nobody 's perfect .
18 The midwife laid the little scrap in Tamar 's arms and said , ‘ 'E 's a lovely lad , Lady Lassiter. 'E 's not big , but 'e 's all the world ti grow in . ’
19 Supplementary information is material relevant to Articles or Letters which can not , for lack of space , be published in full , but which is available from Nature on request .
20 That is to say , the superposition of a state with an electron " here " and a state with an electron " there " does not produce a state with an electron at some point in between " here " or " there " but a state in which the electron can be found either " here " or " there " , with probabilities which depend ( in a way I have not defined but which is capable of precise specification -see Appendix , AS ) on the balance between the two states .
21 Two ontological clusters C and C' are distinguished by some f which has values on all x in C but which is meaningless on all y in C' .
22 One particular incident brought them into focus , an incident over which I puzzled , on and off , for a long time , but which is amenable to analysis using current sociological notions .
23 It is important to distinguish between such lexical analysis of uncontrolled terms in thesis titles , ( which has not been carried out in any detail in the present study but which is one of the factors analysed in a paper in preparation by the author ) , and the subject classification carried out by Rolfe , Will and in the Laming list .
24 So many thousands of differences have been hybridized and bred for that it has become well nigh impossible to find a variation that has not been tried before , but which is new , and can reap a rich reward for the nursery that is first on to the market with it .
25 You say the Labour Party is agreed that there should be more women in the shadow cabinet , but which is this Labour Party then , the parliamentary Labour Party certainly is n't , there was a conspiracy to keep women out .
26 ( Yet again it must be said — an argument which does not directly arise out of a golden thread approach but which is pertinent here — the two passages in the new testament which speak of women 's subordination both rely on the Genesis account of creation and fall , an account no longer valid in a post-Darwinian age . )
27 Similarly in ( 19 ) the conditional would signifies that not building is being envisaged as a hypothesis , as something which might be done in the future , but which is unadvisable in the eyes of the speaker .
28 What you need is something with a bit of muscle , but which is frugal enough not to bankrupt you before you get within sight of open water .
29 The librarian therefore has to choose between software which is readily and easily usable but which is inflexible and software which needs to be " programmed " but which allows the user to tailor the software to the needs of one particular library .
30 Given the centrality of this theme of the life study , the question which is raised by the exhibition but which is left unanswered is , how does if affect the viewing/appreciation of the image ?
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