Example sentences of "but [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But the same rules as before are applicable to a mortgagee who takes possession , and to a mortgagor who is in possession .
2 ( For convenience these are described in this chapter as share transactions , but the same rules apply to the acquisition of assets . )
3 Wilkins is an excellent player , but the same rules should apply to him as the rest of us . ’
4 You can produce a whole range of different ideas to suggest th at one county or antoher is doing badly but the same rules apply to all of them .
5 But the same themes are also present in Kautilya 's Arthashastra , the most famous work of ancient Indian political philosophy .
6 This adds a bit of fun to the proceedings , but the same questions crop up repetitively , so its quite easy to cheat by remembering the answers after playing for only a short time .
7 It goes north again , to the town of Ekron , but the same things happen there .
8 But since then we have been given additional help with the cleaning , but the same hours .
9 Average quantities ( e.g. the mean value of Z or the root mean square value of the fluctuations in X ) will take the same values in different realizations of the same conditions ; i.e. different computations , perhaps using different numerical procedures , for different initial conditions but the same values of r , P , and b .
10 Intrastrand crosslinking was detected for all derivatives at all 5'-GG and 5'-AG sequences on the template strand , but the same sites did not result in transcriptional blockages when on the non-template strand .
11 My examples tend to come from the part of the world where I live , but the same principles apply wherever you happen to be .
12 By itself this is not microteaching but the same principles can be applied even if a full programme is not being followed .
13 The emphasis in the degree course is on the design of general-purpose systems , but the same principles underlie special-purpose systems in areas such as communications , graphics and computer-aided design .
14 At least with the man , a urethritis can be diagnosed , albeit imperfectly , by noticing pus cells in the urethra , but the same criteria can not be applied to the woman .
15 This Act referred primarily to private establishments but the same criteria should be applied to local authority homes .
16 As we saw earlier , the extreme emotions of the horse are quite clear as they involve the whole horse ; but the same emotions in a more moderate form , or of lesser intensity , like apprehension or annoyance , will reveal themselves differently in different horses ; and the horse owner really has to learn them from the movement , gestures , and noises that the horse makes , and the context in which they are made .
17 But the same discoveries have drawn attention to the proximity of the grave to a Roman cemetry , beside a Roman road , on the outskirts of the city .
18 But the same rates of interest should not necessarily be paid to non-residents and residents alike .
19 The above examples are taken from scientific subjects , but the same mechanisms are used in humanities texts .
20 The units are put together to form meaningful chains of symbolism but the same units may turn up in quite different ritual contexts .
21 They play musical chairs in the Cabinet , but the same backsides are still there with one notable exception , but they 're still bad people .
22 But the same events can affect people very differently .
23 Things move more slowly in Britain , but the same pressures exist among that small but active segment of the academy that is concerned with critical theory .
24 In its most obvious form , this is the problem that silent majorities pose for democracy , but the same pressures operate in groups and whole subcultures at many lower and less obvious levels .
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