Example sentences of "but [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 The great bulk of population movement occurred independently of Moscow in the years 1917–22 , but after the end of NEP it was to be strictly enforced , and took place on a vast scale again .
2 Every invasion attempt so far had foundered on France 's naval weakness , but after the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 de Choiseul had put in hand a whole series of reforms .
3 But towards the end of the second or fourth repeat he made some small alteration in the ports de bras so that the dancer could move easily into the next sentence .
4 Dzerzhinsky wrote that the swifter exchange of goods would help to reduce taxes levied on the peasants and so mollify them and speed up the realization of smychka between town and country ; but towards the end of the year he admitted in a resigned tone : ‘ Can such a huge enterprise like transport really change in a moment , can people really be regenerated at once ?
5 But towards the end of the century the ideal began to emerge that not merely the essentials , but also the whole of religion could be discovered by reason , and that nothing ‘ above reason ’ should be a part of it .
6 It was a slow-going mile , but towards the end one could hear occasional cars along the road ahead and Gareth and Coconut with whoops crashed through the last few yards , again , as the week before , relieved to be back in the space age .
7 His marriage ended , he was distracted by love , and for a while at the time of the oil crisis it was hard to make a sale , but towards the end of the Seventies and into the Eighties , things picked up .
8 But towards the end of our stay in Kuwait , the rules were relaxed , and we were allowed out to a nearby sports stadium to exercise for an hour every day .
9 But towards the end of the eighteenth century the courts developed what Jay Cohen calls ‘ a more expansive definition ’ of the term , which made many non-traders eligible for discharge in bankruptcy .
10 But towards the end , the book starts to read like a list , with the structure and prose all over the place .
11 But towards the end of my anorexic period I think I was verging upon mental illness in the sense that even those who disbelieve in it might accept , that is , I had become out of touch with reality as perceived by others and unable to cope with demands of everyday life .
12 With most damselflies , the male and female differ in their colouring , but towards the end of the breeding season , the female will change colour to look much more like the male .
13 Gastrulation , in the sense of continued ingression through the streak , persists up to and during the 10th day of gestation , but towards the end of the 8th day the first signs of organogenesis are apparent .
14 Things started working out a bit better , but towards the end of ‘ 85 everything started getting too much ; the pressures , trying to pay my bills and trying to get extra money in .
15 But towards the end of the journey , he began to recognize familiar places , and in great excitement pointed them out to Rose .
16 At present we do n't know the exact details of how it works , but towards the end of the 1980s it became apparent that once that signal does get to the nucleus , what happens next in any process of cell plasticity and growth — a step first detected in rapidly dividing cancerous cells , but soon recognized to be a rather universal mechanism — is the activation of a group of ‘ immediate early genes ’ .
17 The theme running through Victorian Darwinistic science was that women were merely vehicles for reproduction and were thus nearer nature ( and the lower animals ) than men , but towards the end of the century a more positive view of motherhood emerged , largely as a result of eugenic concern about the quality of the race .
18 They were simple at first , like Poynder Terrace , but towards the end such houses as Manor Terrace were generous in accommodation and well constructed .
19 Some of these were connected with exchange control offences , and a few concerned illegal immigrants in which the police also features ; there were also the usual run of the mill revenue offences involving large consignments of spirits and tobacco goods , but towards the end of 1970 drug smuggling was rapidly increasing .
20 There are three skin covered arm spines , proximal spines are rugose but towards the end of the arm , all the spines become more hook-like .
21 Clothes had n't mattered for years , of course , but towards the end of the eighties , the phrases power-dressing and anti-stress eating program had filtered through to her and now Alex dressed and ate for every occasion .
22 By 1973 , there was still only 20% of the total from terra firme , but towards the end of the decade the proportion was over 40% , mainly C. odorata and S. macrophylla ; only some 20–40 species were acceptable to sawmills .
23 That 's been er er a matter which has been erm discussed er at some length by Stragg as has the topic of er house building and the the problems of er capacity for er new house instruction and other development within the , the Council but a number of erm matters er not least of which has been er the departure of two key members of staff during the period er there has er I 'm afraid been a degree of slippage and the original programme that we have put to you and which you agreed which we said at the time was ambitious er is already er showing signs of stress and it looks now I 'm afraid that it will not be er in the early part of the summer that the structure plan in draft form will be available and ready to be approved for consultation purposes , but towards the end of the summer and er er into the early autumn .
24 But towards the end of the 17th century , their importance dwindled as more and more farmers turned to heavy horses ; which although more expensive are faster and easier to control .
25 It was even Steven in the second half , but towards the end Gloucester roared into life .
26 After the interval , chances were few and far between and most of the early play took place in mid-field , but towards the end Hucklecote applied severe pressure , but the visitor 's defence superbly mastered by outside half , Neil Smith held out for a fine hard-earned victory .
27 I think Harvey was injured near the start but near the end was kept out by Stewart.I think Stewart played in the ‘ 75 Euro cup final with Harvey benched !
28 But with the end of the Cold War , Western imperialist intervention under the guise of ‘ fighting Communism ’ is beginning to be laid bare , and the Allies in the Gulf are being exposed as never before .
29 The connoisseurship demonstrated in these two examples is built up from an accumulation of work by many scholars , but in the end , the cataloguer has to make a judgement , which for number 291 is in favour of Cranach 's authorship .
30 But in the end very disappointing .
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