Example sentences of "but [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He took food by mouth but passed 5–8 motions a day and probably absorbed little of it .
2 The long term effects have not been established , but sit two metres away from the TV screen to be safe .
3 But to enable these skills to be transferred there needed to be a catalyst — the workforce needed to be trained how to train .
4 The use of these names became accepted by the recipient for most were not used derisively but became natural names .
5 But to conduct such classes well is a difficult business and requires a professional .
6 It will be seen that section 61(1) does not require the Secretary of State to release any person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life on licence , but imposes two conditions which must be satisfied before he may do so , namely , that the release must first be recommended by the Parole Board ( a body which was itself constituted by section 59 of the Act of 1967 ) and that the Secretary of State may not release on licence except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
7 They need better leisure facilities , certainly , but given current trends that 's a market we ought to be considering anyway .
8 To counteract this , I 've sometimes specified quantities of potatoes , rice and pasta in the menus , just for the 28-day period , but given two courses at every meal so you should n't need to eat in between .
9 But given that companies pay a dividend ( based on current profit ) per share , the higher the price of the shares , the lower the dividend will be as a percentage of that price .
10 But given heavy doses of baking soda he began to recover , and was perfectly normal three days later .
11 But given these conditions , egoism is not only possible , it may be permitted by ‘ Be aware ’ .
12 But given three months , I flatter myself I could have modified De Gaulle 's thinking on the malais and Danu .
13 But given those provisos a massive transfer of cash from rich to poor is still vitally necessary .
14 In fact , both length and quality appear in these ( and other ) examples to operate as independent but intersecting phonological processes , and both dimensions are apparently of considerable sociolinguistic significance .
15 There might be other solutions open to organisations facing similar pressures ( one , " cooperative production " , is somewhat idealistically proposed by Piore , 1986 ) , but using temporary workers was probably the easiest to put into effect .
16 And instead of seeing it as something God had ordained , we began to look at the exploitation of the poor by the rich in a political way , but using Christian concepts .
17 The treatment is quite expensive but produces visible benefits after just ten days .
18 communicating to keep employees challenged and informed through informal but planned face-to-face contacts
19 Presteigne ( the modern spelling ) had a railway connection , completed in 1875 but planned some years earlier ( see below ) , which lasted right up till Dr Beeching 's Axe .
20 He applauded those measures , such as Lloyd George 's budget of 1909 , which tended to diminish social inequality , but attacked all moves to increase state centralization and control over the individual .
21 Then there were those who were powerful , but lacked other virtues .
22 IN THE following pages we reveal full details of the complex but tax efficient transactions on the JMOB/Telecom site in Ballsbridge which have resulted in tax-free profits of approximately £5 million to certain secret investors .
23 At first girls may be preoccupied with their pregnancy or baby and see education as unimportant , but seeing other girls working soon builds their motivation .
24 When she reached the main road she did n't know which direction to take , but seeing two men accompanied by two women she hurried to them and said , ‘ Would you , please direct me to the cab rank ? ’
25 Computer system users can not control risk management decisions , but suffer big losses when inadequate protection fails to avert catastrophe .
26 Quiet trading on currency markets saw sterling gain more than three quarters of a pfennig to 2.3565 deutschmarks but lose 25 points against the dollar to close at 1.4410 .
27 ( This is how the story is recorded in Luke 13:6–9 , where the fig tree stood for the self-righteous people , such as the Pharisees , who made a great show of their religion but produced few results .
28 It was taken over by the Pittard Group in 1987 but made serious losses in the last three years .
29 This patient was actually normal at reading regular words and non-words ( in terms of accuracy and reading time ) , but made many errors in reading exception words .
30 In the reign of Henry III they accounted for the agistment dues at the Exchequer , but made substantial payments into the Wardrobe from time to time , and paid out sums locally for such purposes as the maintenance of a neighbouring royal castle , building operations , the enclosure of a royal park , and the expenses incurred by the Forest officers in taking venison for the king .
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