Example sentences of "but [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Humanist stress on the importance of the word was not only redoubled but given a special orientation by the Reformation-which experienced its supreme crisis , the Diet of Worms , in 1521 , four months before Josquin 's death .
2 The choice of subjects to study — systems of domination , collusion and exclusion — may be value-laden ; but given the wide-ranging dispositions of elite studies , it seems best characterized as the favoured method of anti-utopian ‘ realists ’ , whether of the left , right or centre .
3 But given the volcanic climate of November 's stars , something fairly dramatic and transformative is about to ensue .
4 Again there are too few patients who fall into the category of significant changs in body weight to permit valid conclusions but given the limited information , this did not seem to influence these results .
5 That it never seems boring is due first , of course , to the richness of the youthful Mozart 's music ; but given the fantastical convolutions of the story even that might not be enough .
6 But given the fixed level of those overall resources , the inevitable result has been a reduction in resources for the remainder of the school population .
7 I admit they will find that something of a puzzle , but given the low critical standards of provincial audiences , they might hit upon the felicitous conclusion that she choked while in the midst of an exaggeratedly hilarious response to that pathetic farce .
8 But given the recent decline in numbers of tenured black academics , falling Ph.Ds , retention , enrolment , and grade point averages among black students , and a decreased political commitment to their education , there are unlikely to be widespread , long-term improvements in black students ' , professors ' , and professionals ' positions in psychology .
9 Sceptics may baulk at such an idea , but given the attested presence of such equally implausible-sounding objects as a block of portable eighteenth-century soup ( ex Captain Cook ) , Inuit seal-gut underwear , African cobweb hats and other equally exotic objects , the concept of dressed fleas may seem more acceptable .
10 There 's no hit here , but given the right bullshit production she could stick out the next ‘ Damn I Wish Etc ’ .
11 Certain people ( and presumably certain cats ) are more susceptible to stress than others , but given the right external environment , even the most phlegmatic individual would eventually succumb .
12 I do not know whether that is a serious matter , but given the right hon. Gentleman 's experience and standing , I should have thought that the Opposition Front Bench spokesmen would take careful notice of what he says .
13 But given the dumb actors portrayed , there seems to be a clear need to draw distinctions between , at one extreme , the cat and the chicken and , at the other , the sea anemone and the mud-dauber ; despite the fact that for many readers , ethologists included , the wasp 's habits will be the most intriguing of all .
14 It was never a question of somebody saying ‘ we have a depression , let's give them depression movies ’ but given the new dispensation it was Hollywood 's instinct to come up with just that added edge that the age required in its films .
15 In 1964 , when Pople left the UK for the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh , as it was then called , his departure inspired one popular British newspaper to the headline Another brain down the drain , but given the lamentable levels of financial support by successive UK governments for the theoretical research in which Pople was to excel , it is unlikely he could have achieved so much without moving .
16 But given the necessary criteria , that the puzzle should be impossible but after all possible , it is hard to see how anything better could be contrived .
17 It was unclear whether Japanese armed forces would be developed significantly but given the covert encouragement given by General Willoughby and others to Japanese defences — of which the Soviet Union could not have been unaware through intelligence activities — disquiet was bound to increase .
18 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
19 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
20 There is now some research being done on local languages in the university , but given the complex pattern of languages , especially with widespread population movement , and the cost , it seems unlikely that the government 's policy on the official medium of instruction will be changed .
21 But given the current mood of the Cabinet on public expenditure , only projects with a thumping and tangible economic return seem likely to get through .
22 But given the current high levels of unemployment Clinton must be right to take positive action .
23 On occasions larger pieces fall from the table , but given the vast size of the investment cake , the East End has got very little .
24 But given the copious evidence that chimps simply can not get their lips and tongues around enough sounds , their cross-modal associations pose no threat to Geschwind 's theory .
25 But given the considerable importance of purchase behaviour , this relative influence may be particularly great .
26 But given the cultural overlap between Britain and the US , and the fact that the 20 highest-grossing films in Britain last year all came from America , many of Medved 's arguments are equally applicable on this side of the Atlantic — if they are applicable at all .
27 But given the rising tide of rape and other forms of violence , Britain appears to be rearing a new generation of what Kenneth Clarke calls ‘ really persistent , nasty little juvenile offenders ’ .
28 A trial date had finally been set for 17 June 1991 , but given the obvious flimsiness of the case , he was still concerned that somebody within the DEA might be tempted into direct action .
29 At present , the genomic structure of the human N-Oct 3 gene is not known but given the short evolutionary distance between mouse and human , we assume that the human N-Oct 3 gene does not have introns as well .
30 But given the opposing demands made on film productions before they are shown , I believe it 's as close as we may get towards an insight into the rank and file members of a movement that had a profound influence on Liverpool politics for a decade .
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