Example sentences of "but [vb past] the same " in BNC.

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1 Actually he did n't call it a third round , since he did n't solicit new entries but used the same 63 as for Round 2 .
2 Corbett did not go through Edinburgh but took the same route as he had earlier followed , skirting the city , plodding his way through marsh and bog till he reached the clean , white sanctity of the Abbey .
3 The declaration stated that , whereas heretofore , to wit , etc. , in consideration that the plaintiff , at the request of the defendant , had then consented to allow the defendant to weigh divers , to wit two , boilers of the plaintiff , of great value , etc. , defendant promised that he would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected , leave and give up the boilers in as perfect and complete a condition , and as fit for use by plaintiff , as the same were in at the time of the consent so given by plaintiff ; and that , although in pursuance of the consent so given , defendant to wit , on , etc. , did weigh the same boilers , yet defendant did not nor would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected leave and give up boilers in as perfect , etc. , but wholly neglected and refused so to do , although a reasonable time for that purpose had elapsed before the commencement of this suit ; and , on the contrary thereof , defendant afterwards , to wit on , etc. , took the said boilers to pieces and did not put the same together again but left the same in a detached and divided condition , and in many different pieces , whereby plaintiff hath been put to great trouble , etc .
4 It was a bit summery for the weather , but had the same small waist as Xanthe 's tailored number , in a kind of light-green figured gauze over a satin underskirt , with a broad belt and wide lighter-coloured lapels , with a big perspex buckle like bottle glass .
5 This meant that wages fell sharply in the coal exporting districts of South Wales and the North East but remained the same in the new and expanding south Yorkshire coalfield , where new and deeper mines were producing high quality coal for the home market .
6 She estimated what the size of the labour force in the United States would have been in 1960 by making two assumptions : ( a ) if death rates had not declined since 1900 , the labour force would have been over 13 million less in 1960 ; ( b ) if death rates had declined from 1900–1920 but remained the same level after that , the labour force would have been 6 million smaller in 1960 .
7 Data shows that the level fell from 0.6 parts per million [ ppm ] in 1970 to 0.3 ppm in 1973 , but remained the same for the next decade despite a huge 95 per cent reduction in the release of mercury into Liverpool Bay from ICI .
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