Example sentences of "but [adv] as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do not hold this out as support for the thesis , but rather as evidence of the direction being taken by governments of whatever political complexion .
2 Marx did not thereby characterise this as being primitive accumulation on the part of British capital , but rather as period of development of capital on the basis of the capitalist mode of production , even though this entailed the destruction of pre-capitalist forms .
3 Here partnerships would not act as a proxy or alternative to the local education authority but rather as facilitators , allowing schools and colleges to learn more about accountability , how it is portrayed and realised .
4 Indeed , we trust that all contributions will be judged not as predictions , but rather as means of analysing a complex and unpredictably changing sphere of social life .
5 ‘ Individuals ’ should always be seen not as rounded historical figures but merely as bearers of roles ( trager ) , supporting the unfolding of structural laws without reshaping those laws .
6 The trainer also has the responsibility to convey to the trainees that they must not think of themselves as problem solvers , but only as facilitators .
7 First , even the commanders who authorised such attacks did not justify them as legitimate in themselves , but only as reprisals : a use of means unlawful in themselves but legitimate in retaliation against unlawful attacks by the enemy .
8 Jobs were certainly created , but generally as by-employments , and limited in number .
9 But just as women now demand for themselves greater freedom to express different facets of the self , so too do some men , although not nearly so many of them .
10 Eventually Emerson got past Regazzoni and then Peterson whose car was more like a wrestling opponent than a smooth machine But just as Fittipaldi was beginning to think he might be able to make up Ickx 's fifteen-second lead , his gearbox went off and caught fire and Emerson made a hasty emergency exit .
11 But just as adolescence brings about major changes in your body , most women experience some physical and emotional change during the menopause .
12 But just as adolescence brings about major changes in your body , most women experience some physical and emotional change during the menopause .
13 But just as man 's dates were being pushed back , there came an unhappy interaction between geology and physics , again two sciences which had not seemed to have a common frontier .
14 But just as Muslims and Croats had very good reasons to leave Yugoslavia once recognition was granted , so , too , did many of Bosnia 's Serbs have very good reasons not to .
15 But just as Jesus and the following crowd passed under Zacchaeus ' perch , Jesus stopped and looked straight up at him .
16 But just as Eliot remarked that Shakespeare acquired from Plutarch more essential knowledge than most men could from the whole British Museum , so he himself seemed to have acquired from books like F. S. Oliver 's Endless Adventure an extraordinary grasp of historical movements and tendencies , for example the seventeenth century ‘ disassociation of sensibility ’ was a piece of historical perception which no pure historian would have been able to originate .
17 But just as speakers attach great importance to variation in the structural parts of language , so they must also attach great importance to change : if they did not , then there would be no reason why changes like this one should be accepted in speech communities .
18 Mostly shops and not as easy targets or not as deserving targets but just as targets .
19 But just as Geertz 's textually absent wife must have been present in reality , contributing to Geertz encounter with the Balinese , so women are also present in Balinese society though they may be absent from cockfighting .
20 The big glass and the notes for the big glass , he wrote , not the big glass by itself and the notes by themselves , the big glass and the notes for the big glass , the notes for the big glass and the big glass , he wrote , never the one alone or the other alone , for neither by itself has any meaning , neither by itself will have any force , but always both together , not as text and gloss , not as image and caption , but always as exchange and delay , mirror and reflection .
21 In particular , it examines when children begin to compare with others not only as individuals but also as members of groups .
22 This should occur not only at the design stage but also as experience develops in operating the plant and data on actual failures and failure rates become available .
23 We had with us a Danakil from the Awash Station , not only as guide but also as hostage , and would not be releasing him until he found a replacement from the next tribe .
24 Learning to be reasonably at home with this formal and stylized ‘ language of books ’ — primarily as readers but also as writers — is undoubtedly one of the major learning tasks for children in the upper primary and early secondary school .
25 Nowadays nurses are faced with complex situations , not only to take account of psychological and sociocultural factors during illness but also as promoters of health , and in helping patients and families to become involved in their own health care .
26 What is special here is the relaxed way they are grown , not just as climbers trained up fences and trellis , but also as scramblers , making their way enthusiastically over shrubs and tumbling over heathers to provide an added season of interest .
27 Even in a country such as Ivory Coast , generally regarded as in the capitalist camp , government has been the decisive player in the economy not only as policymaker but also as holder of equity capital .
28 But since the actors concerned are ordinary members of the community , who probably conceive of themselves not only as kinsmen to one another but also as kinsmen of the supernatural beings whose mythology is being enacted , it once again becomes crucial that the investigator should fully understand the nuances of the kinship language in which the multifaceted relationships between the living and the dead are being expressed .
29 Marxist views are not approached as merely theoretical formulations but also as guidelines for action .
30 We met mainly at meals , which I enjoyed , not only because I liked her and could still indulge myself foolishly and talk with her about our special patient in Marcus , but also as Daisy , being so near the end of her training , had several friends amongst the staff nurses .
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