Example sentences of "but [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Held , granting the declarations , that it was the moment of adjudication of bankruptcy that caused the property of a bankrupt to vest in his trustee thereby causing an involuntary alienation of his property which resulted in the severance of any joint tenancy he might then be beneficially entitled to ; that the combined effect of sections 37(1) and 38 ( a ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 was not to vest title in the trustee retrospectively but rather to vest in the trustee when adjudication occurred title to property which was identified by reference to the property which belonged to the bankrupt at the commencement of the bankruptcy ; and that , accordingly , since the joint tenancy had not been severed before the wife 's death , on her death the husband , as survivor , became entitled to the whole beneficial interest in the properties , which on his adjudication as bankrupt vested in his trustee in bankruptcy ( post , pp. 206A , F–H , 207C ) .
2 Confining ourselves for the moment to pricing structures involving a constant per unit price , we found in section 2.2 that the socially optimal solution is not to raise all prices an equal proportion above average costs , but rather to practice Ramsey-optimal ( value-based ) pricing .
3 The Report observes : ‘ It is now 25 years since Mitbestimmung ( Co-determination ) was introduced in the Federal Republic of Germany ’ ; and again : ‘ As long ago as 1972 the EEC published draft proposals for a Fifth Directive on Company law , proposing employee representation on the supervisory boards of all companies in the Community with over 500 employees ’ — a rhetorical presentation that pictures the United Kingdom as dragging its reluctant feet well in the rear of a party marching briskly along the path towards a bright new future entrusted not wholly but largely to trade unions .
4 So I really , my , my , my advice is not to aim for a hundred percent efficiency but always to programme five percent optimistically .
5 Many have complex option features , related not only to the share price — as with warrants and convertibles — but possibly to interest rates and/or foreign exchange rates if the instrument includes issuer call or investor put features .
6 This is relevant not only to informal interchange between students but also to tutorial discussion .
7 It represents totally unfair competition , not only to Tennis World but also to Tennis Magazine .
8 Those educationalists who deny children these opportunities are confining them to the ghetto , to a restricted discourse which will close to them access not only to the professions but also to leadership in national politics .
9 Judicial review is available not only to citizens ( individuals , corporations , trusts and so on ) with grievances against government but also to government bodies with a grievance against another government body .
10 In studying its attention has to be given not only to the relationship between government and the local authorities , but also to government attempts to influence the behaviour of building societies and landlords .
11 In improving inspection techniques , attention will be paid not only to improving non-destructive testing techniques and developing new technologies such as shearography , but also to inspection validation and human errors .
12 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations [ COSHH ] which came into force at the beginning of October , not only relate to preventing risks from chemicals , but also to protection from biological hazards such as Legionella .
13 She had been Form Mistress of Junior C from 1950 to 1962 and taught with patience , sympathy , and understanding , introducing many boys not only to drama ( as was to be expected ) but also to cricket and football .
14 This applies not only to many nineteenth-century books , but also to film .
15 Allocations relate not only to borrowing but also to expenditure ( that is , loan sanction is given in line with expenditure allocations ) and are determined nationally to meet government public expenditure targets .
16 Disco history is a fragmented book , much of it lost to Aids or fatal drug habits , but also to snobbery , ignorance and a tenacious belief among critics , musicians and music historians that disco was , and is , ephemeral , superficial , trivial .
17 you know and , and not only goes without the psychoanalyse , at least this is the sense I get not only about psychoanalyse , but also to sort of knocked out and , and er maybe that 's , maybe that 's trying to do and that was the point I also have n't read the book so I do n't know .
18 This applies not just to the technical side , but also to information policies ’ .
19 But now to reality , for the ‘ classic ’ carp fishing days are all but dead .
20 A Microsoft Corp staffer is reported to have told Sun Microsystems Inc that Microsoft would make Windows such a moving target that Sun , with its WABI Windows Application Binary Interface , could not keep up ( CI No 2,147 ) : if the tale is true and Microsoft means it , it means that the company has learned a little too well from its long cohabitation with IBM , and that the seeds of its own destruction are now being sown — for years , IBM added features and tweaked its mainframes with no thought of improving them from the user 's point of view , but simply to trip up competitors , and once a dominant company starts resorting to such tactics , it fatally injures the regard with which it is held by the outside world , and is embarking on the slippery slope that leads to the debacle IBM finds itself in today .
21 Most failures in examinations are due not to a deficiency of knowledge but chiefly to lack of familiarity with the techniques of playing the examination game .
22 Alas , Thompson and her chosen theatre were star-crossed and she now has a production but nowhere to stage it .
23 The fact that Christians find themselves caught up with a religion that is no longer related to work or community life , but instead to leisure , tells us something about the whole process of privatisation .
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