Example sentences of "but [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is often said that unfettered insider dealing does not hurt shareholders ; that insiders ' profits are not outsiders ' losses , but rather evidence of a more efficient allocation of resources ; Just because an investor does not make as much money on the sale of his shares as he would otherwise have done , does not make him a victim in the true sense , as nothing has been stolen from him .
2 The goal of tolerance and mutual respect is not one , all-embracing religion , but rather unity in diversity .
3 This may not be out of unwillingness but rather ignorance on the part of parents : they do not know how to go about encouraging such skills .
4 I would want to argue that if our goal is a religious situation in which women and men are accounted equals , we shall need to promote not continuity but rather discontinuity with the past .
5 Repeated government " failure " results not only in a withdrawal of support from specific administrations by the electorate but eventually disillusionment with the institutions and processes of political democracy itself .
6 Their one desire was to get out of this place ; but perhaps flight in the present circumstances might seem ungracious .
7 Not only do we need a strategic deterrent , but there is a strong argument that a sub-strategic deterrent continues to be relevant at a time when there is a real risk of several new nations appearing which have some form of nuclear capability and when we risk the proliferation of not merely equipment but perhaps technology from some of the scientific bases in the former Soviet Union .
8 Secondly , in the Fearon case it was not the right to exercise an economic activity which was conditional on the shareholders ' satisfying the residence requirement , but merely immunity from compulsory acquisition measures adopted under legislation governing the ownership of rural land designed to ensure as far as possible that the land belonged to those who worked it .
9 The extension to Inch Abbey has been approved completely but only part of the Ballyduggan extension has received approval .
10 This final step is not an end-point , but only part of the continuous cycle of action and reflection .
11 It is important to understand that it is never treatment in the abstract which can be described as ‘ extraordinary ’ , but only treatment in the context of the particular patient being cared for .
12 The glare dimmed and outlines of roofs and trees and angles at street junctions , lampposts , signs , doorways , scaffolding and cranes — too molten to look up at at two in the afternoon — calmed into focus , became distinct against the astounding pure clarity of the sky , and later became so sharp and clear that looking at them was like a note you could not hear but only sense within the ear by some change in vibration .
13 In the contrasting situation , when there is no convention but only agreement in conviction , everyone follows the same rule but principally because he thinks it independently the best rule to follow .
14 There are n't enough biscuits ; you can have tea and coffee in the morning but only tea in the afternoon ; no-one knows where the switches are or how the equipment works ; and so on .
15 But meanwhile clearance for the dam continues and the likely new environment minister , Barry Jones , says he may attempt to get a court injunction to halt work .
16 If cells from the region of the early embryo that will normally give rise to the eye are grafted into the region that will form the gut the cells do not form an eye any more but just part of the gut .
17 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
18 word for word but just sort of changing the vocabulary is n't it ?
19 If somebody says you do n't wan na be rushed , right , that 's what you 've got ta say to them that 's just what that old dear was saying the other day , right you certainly understand that , right , you agree with them , first thing you do you always agree with them , right and then you 've just got the same sequence as I want to think about it , but just sort of make it clear , I mean what is it they actually , you know , frightened of being rushed into ?
20 But once adaptation to the new conditions had been achieved , Darwin assumed that evolution would come to a halt .
21 Well you wo n't be able to use Richard 's , but like sort of I du n no
22 The Ferguson-developed 4wd system , which directs power between the front and rear wheels in a fixed 34/66 per cent ratio , is effective and durable but hardly state of the art .
23 Alcatel Cable SA , Douvrin , France is increasing its optical fibre production to meet demand — when two new plants come on full stream in the middle of next year , annual output will grow to 930,000 miles from the 590,000 miles it did last year , bringing it close to the current number two , AT&T Co , but still way behind the 1.25m miles produced annually by Corning Inc .
24 Deep erosion and weathering known to have occurred ( for example the Mendip caves ) during the Permo-Triassic do not favour preservation of early-generated hydrocarbons in the northern part of the belt , but further south beneath the Cannington-Wardour-Portsdown slice this objection need not apply .
25 The jet crashed in a ball of flame , destroying 15 cars and damaging 10 more but further evidence of the good fortune became clear yesterday with the sight of the aircraft wreckage embedded in mud .
26 But further acquaintance with the latest model forces me to acknowledge that the 1993 Applause is a well-equipped and well-finished machine .
27 It is hoped that the new procedure and new form may be introduced generally by 16th May when the new District Courts come into operation , but further information on this will be given next month .
28 Research workers tried to find carcinogenic materials in kitchens , but further analysis of the data showed that people paid to work in kitchens have less cancer than housewives in spite of spending twice as much time in them .
29 There was more of the same before Alexei and Jotan were allowed to depart , but further enquiry into the matter was not mentioned , and it was as if Artai had lost interest .
30 Fig. 3 showed that the clones of RAP74 whose C-terminal sequences were deleted up to the 171th amino acid residue ( lanes 2,3 and 4 ) stimulated the CAT activity to the same extent as the wild type clone , but further deletion of the C-terminal sequence up to the 128th residue resulted in a complete loss of the CAT activity ( lane 5 ) .
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