Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Fernie nodded vigorously , not so much , it seemed to Alice , at what Start had said , but rather at some thought going through his own head .
2 Thus , it may not be a question of a total plan or no plan at all , but rather of some planning , aware of the limitations which the nature of the exercise imposes on planning .
3 In February or March , when spring was waiting to burst out but the trees were still leafless and the earth grey and cold , Sophia used sometimes to pretend that she was in Italy — not necessarily in a beautiful or famous part but perhaps in some obscure little town in the Alban Hills or a dusty coastal village between Naples and Sorrento .
4 On closer examination , however , most of this turns out to be the product , not of reasoned consideration and reflection , but merely of some political manoeuvre or party attitude .
5 Next Jay told them he 'd step aside but only for some ridiculous sum of money . ’
6 Gazzer felt the roll of notes being removed from his jeans , but only as some distant background sensation .
7 One of the most recent , from Sweden , revealed that statistically , pups born in the winter in that country are more likely to develop hip dysplasia than pups born in the summer … but only in some breeds , not in others .
8 ‘ In some measure — but only in some measure , ’ replied Elizabeth Mowbray .
9 But already in some nineteenth-century cases , and commonly in the twentieth century , a group has formed around some much more general programme , including many or indeed all arts , and often additionally , in relation to this , some very general cultural ( and often ‘ political ’ ) position .
10 There is no general nature in common to those things , and any idea we have is never general or abstract , but always of some particular thing .
11 It 's rather like a concrete bunker but hopefully with some work we can make it look quite nice .
12 They may be used for simple emphasis , as in ( 5 ) ( c ) , or to highlight some property , implied by the noun but still in some way surprising as in ( 5 ) ( a ) , or for the sake of a contrast , as in ( 5 ) ( b ) .
13 But self-evidently in some instances such a jurisdiction , or the exercise of such a jurisdiction , would be truly extraordinary .
14 He spent the night in anguish , but later in some hope ; Dinah was spirited ; surely she would not endure this decision of her father 's as to her future ?
15 A myriad of associations campaigning for some form of political and economic union proliferated across all the democracies and across most political party persuasions : for example , the United Europe Movement in Britain , organised by Churchill ; the Catholic Nouvelles Équipes Internationales and the Socialist Movement for the United States of Europe in France , but both with some following in Belgium and Luxembourg ; and the Europa-Bund in Germany .
16 These cases are not only common , though hardly ever in the much over-simplified form we have considered , but also of some theoretical interest .
17 His latest book is an exposé not only of a former American hero but also of some of the most shameful secrets of modern US history
18 There is a need not only for some ‘ sociological ’ appreciation of the institutional framework and the social function of law and punishment but also for some philosophy of mind and action and a moral philosophy .
19 ‘ And it was , in my view , the lack of sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some other of the faults I have identified . ’
20 ‘ It was , in my view , the lack of a sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some others of the faults I have identified . ’
21 I have concentrated on the higher forms of life , not only because they are easy to observe but also to some extent because they have greater meaning for our own species .
22 It came as a shock , not just to the students but also to some of the older members of staff , such as Charles Mahoney , who belonged to an era when a member of staff would even vet the colours to be used before a student began to paint .
23 It draws , therefore , mostly on category 4 but also to some extent on categories 2 and 3 .
24 This approach draws mostly on category 3 but also to some extent on categories 1 and 4 .
25 Incomprehensible — at least at first glance — to those not familiar with the campaign , the image has much in common not only with British TV commercials but also with some branches of avant-garde photographic art in Britain which deliberately borrow cool and elliptical presentation techniques for other ends .
26 In the third term the students will not only be occupied with teaching practice but also with some work afterwards back at the School of Education .
27 In March Hedilla had talks not only with members of the Comunión Tradicionalista , but also with some of the supporters of the Alphonsine dynasty , whose political future also depended on the outcome of what was becoming a bitter , subterranean confrontation within the main conflict against the Republic .
28 Therefore , the change in the dividend was dependent not solely on the target layout ratio but also on some adjustment factor .
29 It is possible , however , that Berkeley 's evident sensitivity to charges of scepticism is rooted not simply in his cherished hope that they are false , but also in some dim feeling that they are not completely unjust .
30 Employment relationships have been influenced , not only by the environmental or contextual variables already discussed , but also in some societies by distinctive cultural features .
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