Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They fired away with wild abandon , but luckily with little accuracy , and he was able to extricate himself .
2 They also have a classical range but mostly of old recordings .
3 Thrasher 's delinquent gang members are not seen as frustrated conventionalists ‘ forced ’ into crime , but rather as normal kids , with normal needs , making the best available choices to satisfy those needs , just like everyone else .
4 Indeed , for the Formalists , ‘ literary language ’ … and its development can not be understood as a planned development of tradition , but rather as colossal displacements of traditions ’ ( Tynyanov 1978c : p. 144 , my italics ) .
5 Fernie nodded vigorously , not so much , it seemed to Alice , at what Start had said , but rather at some thought going through his own head .
6 Time was no longer associated just with cataclysms and festivals but rather with everyday life .
7 A fan who was totally uncommitted to the culture , who simply wanted to watch the match , would probably choose not to go into the London Road End at all but rather to one of the quieter side terraces .
8 He was there dealing not with summary remedies available to the state to which a citizen had no opportunity to state a defence but rather to additional consequences which might adversely affect a citizen should he fail in his defence to the claim to the principal sum .
9 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
10 In fact what strikes me most forcibly about Lyell 's pillars is not their evidence of placid uniformitarianism but rather of episodic " catastrophism " .
11 If this causes difficulties for some , Foucault 's scepticism with regard to the tendency to inflate the effect of individual agency can only be compared to the position of many Marxisms in which resistance and revolution are hardly the privilege of the individual as such , but rather of collective class action .
12 Thus , it may not be a question of a total plan or no plan at all , but rather of some planning , aware of the limitations which the nature of the exercise imposes on planning .
13 It may be , secondly , that the era of ‘ flexible accumulation ’ takes the form , not so much of sub-contracting between small firms within manufacturing , but rather of more work put out to service sector firms .
14 The impression gained from observing the political events of the present century is not one of great stability and permanence , but rather of considerable turbulence and changeability in the organization and expression of political interests .
15 In a sombre May Day speech , Mengistu admitted that the government had suffered setbacks and called for renewed commitment to the war , saying : " It is no longer a question of national unity , but rather of national survival . "
16 In this light , these appear less as vulgar reductions of the divine from a profane angle , but sharp satires , not so much of God 's ordinance of the cosmos , but rather of human understanding of the scope for salvation and damnation .
17 Until then I had always held the view that police officers do not fabricate evidence against men they know to be innocent , but rather against those whom they genuinely , if mistakenly , believe to be guilty .
18 Grain size analysis of fine sediments depends not on direct measurement of the particles themselves but rather upon indirect computations of diameters based on observation of the grain behaviour in fluids or the response of the fluids to displacement by the grains .
19 Conversely , the major benefits of privatization are likely to stem not from literally returning ownership to the private sector , but rather from associated measures which make it clear to managers that they are expected to compete effectively and efficiently .
20 They may involve two or more companies , who tend to be related not by product type but rather by similar customer profits .
21 However , the foreign exchange earnings on tourism did increase in 1989 , not from IR£150m but rather by this figure .
22 Dhondt 's argument seems to fit Flanders best : but the Count Baldwin ( died 879 ) who held some counties in that region in the latter part of Charles 's reign is never called " Count of Flanders " in any ninth-century text ; the hallmarks of entrenched territorial power ( systematic fortifications ; minting of coins ) are not to be found during his lifetime , but rather in that of his son ; Baldwin had no monopoly on power in Flanders , for other magnates operated in the same region ; finally , no hereditary transmission of the " principality " can be demonstrated here during Charles 's reign but only , again , after Charles 's death .
23 Our interest is not simply in any one department of social life but rather in all these in a community , and especially in their mutual interdependence as parts of a whole .
24 With his dark good looks , Luke Calder was a devastatingly attractive man , but right at that moment Fran was more concerned by the fact that he was watching her as though he would like to take her by her slender neck and shake her !
25 Mortals see only a river or a hill , but somewhere on another plane , these natural objects are fierce , lusty or romantic men and women .
26 But somewhere amidst all the energy and confusion , there are clues for Michael .
27 But somewhere beyond this rain the sky is lightening ,
28 Performance on any task therefore , from playing tennis , to taking exams , to going to work , will be impaired if anxiety is too high or too low , but somewhere between these lies the ideal degree of anxiety for producing our best performance .
29 I never did glimpse the queen , but somewhere inside that boiling ball she was , the central data bank , the repository of the master DNA of the whole colony .
30 AT A time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely with such grace .
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