Example sentences of "'s party and the " in BNC.

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1 The People 's Party and the Czechoslovak Socialist Party , which functioned as proper political parties before 1948 and have since had a satellite existence , have begun to flex their muscles .
2 Klaxons beeped in rhythmic unison and a man 's voice chanted over a megaphone the initials of the President 's Party and the name of Belpan 's Minister of Tourism and Transport : ‘ VOTE PP .
3 The People 's Party and the Democrats had between them polled over 5,500,000 votes in 1928 , but in 1932 they polled less than a million .
4 The CDS , founded by Adolfo Suarez , the man who supervised Spain 's transition to democracy in the 1970s , was the only nationwide party to straddle the ideological ground between the People 's Party and the Socialists .
5 The supremacy of the Prime Minister is further enhanced by the authority to obtain ( or threaten to obtain ) a dissolution of parliament , the possibility of rebel Members being disowned and replaced by their constituency parties , the feelings of loyalty to one 's party and the fear of giving aid and comfort to the opposition parties .
6 Antall declared that " after decades of dictatorship the political reflexes of the Hungarian people have not changed " , since the centrist alliance of the HDF , the Christian Democratic People 's Party and the Independent Smallholders ' Party had together " achieved the same result as the Smallholders in 1945 " ( which had then won 57 per cent of the vote ) .
7 The Socialist People 's Party and the Progress Party voted against the budget , while the Social Democratic Party ( the largest single parliamentary party ) abstained , not wishing to precipitate another general election .
8 Under the terms of this law , 21 political parties which had existed prior to the 1981 ban remained proscribed , including Nkrumah 's Convention People 's Party and the Progress Party .
9 erm I think two people have had tremendous problems and again must have been going up and down St Aldate 's , because they were very busy officials , was Edward Hyde , who later became Earl of Clarendon and wrote his story of the war , again of course from the Royalist point of view , and his great friend , Lord Falkland , who was Secretary of State for the King , and became so upset and worried by the rash policies of the Queen 's party and the general atmosphere of intrigue , and by the war itself , that he does seem to have more or less committed suicide at the battle of Newbury , by riding ahead of his troops into the enemy .
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