Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] now [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A school 's funding now depends above all on its pupil numbers , and open enrolment under the 1988 Act ( see Chapter 4 ) allows parents much wider choice of school for their children to attend .
2 Provincial 's board now receives a monthly 20-page package incorporating the key financials , economic indicators and a branch activity report but also market intelligence from each of the 20 branch managers , ‘ saying what the local market is doing and suggesting any good business to be done .
3 The project 's progress now rests with a series of meetings being scheduled to take place between Christo and politicians of various parties in Bonn this month , when he will be marshalling his legendary powers of persuasion and hoping to win new friends .
4 But the fact that the wife of Mr Bush 's challenger now chooses to raise the allegations gives the issue a new dimension .
5 Ghastly dwarf 's cottage now looks quaint , appealing , homely .
6 He turned , looking at the child , seeing how the boy 's chest now rose and fell gently , as if soothed by his voice , then turned back , smiling , beginning to mop up the spill .
7 ( Artist 's heart now sinks at thought of fifteen-hour day on account of two ideas leading to twenty permutations of two-line scene : ‘ But Richard — ’ ‘ Yes , I know , but the thing is — er — let me put this another way ’ ( so far he has n't put it anyway ) — ‘ Look — ’ ( He freezes mid-pace , cocks his head as though listening to an external sound — which indeed he is — draws a deep breath through his nose , rolls up his eyes , turns down the corners of his mouth , then , forgetting to expel air because a new thought has struck him , he gasps : ) ‘ I 'll tell you what , right ?
8 An increasing amount of DCM 's turnover now comes from services other than maintenance , such as open systems and networking consultancy , software support and virus protection .
9 DANCE fans in Warrington who have been going to the Groover night at Mr Smith 's club now have a two-in-one dance night instead .
10 The Minister 's Department now concedes that it can not check every farm in every year .
11 The most important stage of Barbarossa 's rule now began to unfold ; in this phase he aimed to expand imperial power and to unify Italy , Alsace and Burgundy .
12 The advisory committee 's recommendation now goes to the ESA 's science programme committee , representing the scientific communities of its 13 member states , which meets in early June .
13 As The Athletic News pointed out , City 's future now seemed more assured , with the growing popularity of soccer in Leeds and a ‘ progressive manager ’ in Chapman .
14 The chink in the sister 's armour now made her cry the more .
15 But it is likely to prove empty in the end , even if the workers are right in thinking that , at this stage , they have nothing to lose and that a threat to withdraw their labour might help their union representatives wring a few more concessions from those in whose hands the firm 's fate now rests .
16 Well I think it 's it 's a hiccup , nothing more , but I think the trend is clearly established , and it 's very much agreed , it 's recognized in the Labour Party , that the world outside has changed , women are now half the workforce , women are now half the college and university graduates , women 's work now represents forty percent of our G D P , so we have to increase women 's representation to recognize the world has changed .
17 Marian 's work now suits her particularly well and in an effort to redress some of the solicitor 's problems described above she has begun to be involved in advocacy training for solicitors assisting in courses run by the College of Law — helping others towards the successful career which she demonstrates is possible from whatever your legal origins .
18 In the event , Wesley Smith 's portrait WO N'T be hanging next to Sean Connery 's in an exhibition of Peter 's work now showing at the Link Centre .
19 The world 's population now stands at a little over four billion .
20 Britain 's importance now lies in being part of one of the world 's great trading blocs , the European Community
21 Britain 's importance now lies in being part of one of the world 's great trading blocs , the European Community , not as the ever-dependable ally of the Reagan and Bush years .
22 The award is given on a regional basis and sixty five year old Kenneth 's name now goes forward for consideration at national level .
23 If anything I think women 's education now has to compensate a little erm and provide for those areas in which women start in a way that could be considered a handicap to men .
24 This year 's battle of the budget is generating more anguish than any for years , John Major 's cabinet now realize what a parliamentary mess December might turn into with week-long debates on both the Queen 's speech and the budget to pack in , and worse to come in the spring , a budget combining taxes with public spending seemed a good idea at the time Norman Lamont announced it , but with November the thirtieth just a month away the political down-side is appearing , of course with a fifty billion pound deficit in the Government 's accounts this years spending round would have been hard pounding anyhow , but the usual noisy haggle over the available cash among departments is now amplified by posses of Tory backbenchers trying to head off this or that tax increase , and there 's an incentive to keep that up right through the finance bill after Christmas , since most new taxes would not come in until April .
25 Sunlight beat down on them , now the tall mahogany and fig trees were thinned around ; the ferns shrivelled in the shafts ; animals which had wandered in and out of Sycorax 's compound now watered in the creek further upstream , and avoided the company of men .
26 Irina 's news now drove these matters from his mind .
27 Jacques Boussard , the leading French historian of the Angevin Empire , felt confident enough to write that Henry 's authority now extended as far as the Mediterranean !
28 The Police Complaint 's Authority now agrees there were errors .
29 Mindful of the gaps in his reading , and aware of the range of books in Mr Noble 's library now denied to him , Edward and Helen scoured the second-hand bookshops for bargains and texts necessary for his matriculation test in October .
30 The announcement immediately heightened the political tension in the country and led to speculation that Cristiani 's stance now reflected the views of extreme right-wing elements in the army and in his own Nationalist Republican Alliance ( Arena ) party .
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