Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [vb -s] to " in BNC.

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1 In a part of Chile where half the region 's income goes to 10 per cent of the population and a quarter of all the people regularly do n't have enough to eat , the day to day problems of scraping together an income are common .
2 Moscovici 's defence refers to the destructive power of operational definitions to restrict intellectual advance .
3 The basis of the debtor 's defence seems to be that the action is a fraud on the other parties to the contract to forbear from suing .
4 But this week 's award goes to MR CLIFF RICHARD , for his assertion that , ‘ I could do a nude video and it would be the biggest thing that ever happened in Britain . ’
5 This is the detached voice of reason judiciously intervening without allegiances into a debate in which it has been for the most part silent.3 The intervention reinforces the distinction between what Proust 's text does to itself and what de Man does to it , positioning him with the reader at a critical distance from , and therefore in shared judgement of , his own argument .
6 This is quite understandable if the non-specified version of the infinitive 's support corresponds to a " generalized person " : since this person is the virtual sum of all persons ( first , second or third ) , if to snow is not explicitly referred to it , the infinitive is felt as having a possible reference to " me " or " you " , which corresponds exactly to the impression produced by the sentence above and explains why it does not make sense .
7 A French tourist visiting England Locke 's case seems to be that the moment he steps on the territory of England he has tacitly agreed erm to obey the laws and in return erm of course he receives the protection of those laws .
8 But the whole point of the question is whether Grant 's case applies to a misdirected letter of acceptance .
9 A settlement in Miss Shearer 's case has to be formalised by July 20 , Mr Brown said .
10 The latest incident happened just half a mile from the previous assault , and the attacker 's description appears to be the same .
11 Eliot 's use of primitive ritual to reveal the horror of Sweeney 's existence relates to his connection of Conrad and James as writers who involve their audience in the apprehension of deepseated levels of evil .
12 Our guide 's enthusiasm seems to be shared by all concerned .
13 When this old men 's ideology starts to be transmitted into literature , and from literature into popular writings , and then into the press especially the gutter press and the mass media then it begins slowly to form the people .
14 Although the person suffering from the disorder may be physically fit , the deterioration of the brain 's function leads to very distressing and anti-social behaviour at times .
15 The author 's preface refers to ‘ the gentleman , who was so kind as to take care of the Publication of it , only to excuse me from appearing ’ .
16 GERMANY 'S recession appears to be deepening according to a report published yesterday which was forced to halve predictions of 2 p.c. growth this year because an increase in exports has failed to materialise .
17 Some of it belongs to the years directly after 591 , when Gregory 's narrative comes to an end , and has the additional significance of casting some light on the later years of the reign of Childebert II ( 575 – 96 ) , which are otherwise poorly represented in the sources .
18 Children 's talk indicates to the gifted teacher the intellectual and perceptual level which each child has reached .
19 In addition , a number of local factors can be responsible for sea level change ( Goudie , 1983 ) and these include glacioisostasy whereby the earth 's crust responds to the development or removal of large ice sheets , and hydroisostasy when a similar response occurs as a result of large bodies of sea water or lake water from continental shelves and lake basins ; orogenic and epeirogenic activity ; compaction of sediments ; and the increased gravitational attraction associated with large Pleistocene ice-sheets .
20 It is one of the commonplaces of interpretation of the Nun 's Priest 's Tale that the reader/listener is spoilt for choice of morals to be drawn from the tale at the end , when the Nun 's Priest refers to the moral with a throwaway carelessness that seems to suggest the moral is so obvious that he need not state it .
21 Laura 's murder brings to town eccentric FBI agent Dale Cooper , played by Kyle MacLachlan , the hero of Blue Velvet , who leads the search for the killer .
22 With 30 or more Tory Euro-sceptics still holding out last night , tonight 's vote threatens to be a cliffhanger .
23 While an individual may have a duty to act in the defence of moral principles , the same can not apply to the state , since the state 's action has to be judged by a different criterion : that of national survival .
24 Bearing in mind that even if an employer 's action amounts to constructive dismissal , this does not always mean that the dismissal will automatically be unfair .
25 Liberal Democrats do not believe that our country 's under-performance has to be accepted .
26 It is instructive to check that in the limit of weak slowly-varying gravitational fields Einstein 's equation reduces to Newton 's law of gravitation .
27 We can see that in empty space–time Einstein 's equation simplifies to and that vanishes there if the cosmological constant is zero .
28 Gold medal star 's weight drops to 9st
29 That Stepan 's scholarship amounts to nothing is only what ‘ I think ’ .
30 PRIDE of place in Robert Maxwell 's study goes to a photo of him with President George Bush .
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