Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 All amphibians have mucous glands in their skin which produce a slime that helps to keep it moist and some of these in the firebelly 's skin produce a bitter-tasting poison .
2 Mr Brandreth added : ‘ In terms of quality of personnel , the present team at Queen 's Park have a superb record that ca n't be rivalled anywhere else in the country .
3 AXL ROSE and Co have worked hard at being the bad boys of metal , but their screams of anguish and unleashed hedonism from LA 's underbelly strike a blow for freedom from the hegemony of the American mainstream .
4 IDC 's figure suggest a compound unit growth of 36% for that sector , with the average cost of Unix PC systems dropping from $6,000 in 1991 to $3,800 by 1997 .
5 In Salammbô , as I have already mentioned , the Carthaginian translators have parrots tattooed on their chests ( a detail perhaps more apt than authentic. ? ) ; in the same novel , some of the Barbarians have ‘ sunshades in their hands or parrots on their shoulders ’ ; while the furnishings of Salammbô 's terrace include a small ivory bed whose cushions are stuffed with parrot feathers — ‘ for this was a prophetic bird , consecrated to the gods ’ .
6 ‘ She 's a good kid and I hope that she and Sidney 's boy make a go of it . ’
7 Other casualties of the government 's fall include a ‘ pact on state enterprises ’ between government , employers and unions .
8 First , does Lord Diplock 's taxonomy provide a ‘ better ’ set of labels than those of Lord Greene M.R. which have traditionally been employed by the courts ?
9 Those who act at the place of business must be doing so on the business of the company and not their own account ; the crucial question has been said to be , ‘ Does the agent in carrying out the foreign corporation 's business make a contract for the corporation , or does the agent in carrying out his own business , sell a contract for the foreign corporation ? ’ .
10 No less important , a quick and strong reaction came from the United States , which was anxious not to let Mr Serrano 's autogolpe become a fashion in other shaky democracies in Latin America .
11 For fuck 's sake get a grip .
12 However , he looked rather bemused when Mr Bell started ad-libbing that if the Sunday Times wanted to pen a profile of the self-styled King of the Corner Shop then ‘ for God 's sake get a better picture of me than The Northern Echo is using . ’
13 ‘ For God 's sake take a drink and shut up , ’ Finlayson told him .
14 ‘ For God 's sake open a window , Mike . ’
15 They also hold the League 's record score a 21–0 win over North Skelton Rovers in 1895 .
16 Colourful magazine adverts for the Farley 's drink show a child snuggling down to sleep with a cup slipping from his hand , and the slogan : ‘ Five minutes ago he was demolishing the house . ’
17 The furtiveness and fear of discovery that end Laura 's and Alec 's relationship comprise a set of emotions that Coward would have felt with particular force and poignancy , and which gay men ever since have responded to with recognition and admiration .
18 The Moon has no atmosphere , and photographs taken on the Moon 's surface show a black sky .
19 The prices seemed more or less the same as those in London at the time I 'd left — a box of matches or a bar of Cadbury 's chocolate cost a penny .
20 At the centre of Piaget 's theory lie a number of basic concepts that owe a great deal to his interest in biology .
21 The CBI 's training targets for Britain 's workforce demonstrate a new partnership between business and education .
22 Instead , the shores of Zurich 's lake have a more intimate charm , comparing to those of Lucerne and Geneva as a well kept garden might to an alpine panorama or a royal park .
23 No such nightlife or streetlights here in August 1773 ; moments in Boswell 's Life fix a fleeting glimpse : ‘ When he walked , it was like the struggling gait of one in fetters ’ — even in Aberdeen ?
24 The reactions to the attempt on Hitler 's life provide a veiled reflection of the Führer 's popular standing at this low ebb in Germany 's fortunes .
25 It is clear that even the named and identified members of Jesus 's following represent a broad and diverse spectrum .
26 If the Managing Director of Cords Plc were to require that next year 's profit show a 15% increase over last year 's performance , how many pairs of trousers would have to be sold each month ( i ) assuming that the Sales Director 's policies were adopted and ( ii ) assuming that they were not adopted .
27 Talking Heads and The Beat are caught live in LA while cover stars Simple Minds at London 's Lyceum create a ‘ rich , unnerving sound ’ according to our chap .
28 Talking Heads and The Beat are caught live in LA while cover stars Simple Minds at London 's Lyceum create a ‘ rich , unnerving sound ’ according to our chap .
29 The editors of Kissing the Rod : An Anthology of Seventeenth-Century Women 's Verse choose a military metaphor to describe the activity of women poets in their period :
30 However , strange though it may seem , whenever criticism , favourable or unfavourable , is levelled at any sort of production , very rarely does the Designer 's effort get a mention .
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