Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [to-vb] to " in BNC.

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1 So it is to most fish 's advantage to grow to their maximum size as quickly as possible .
2 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
3 It was Marje 's decision to confess to her secret relationship with the dashing newspaper lawyer .
4 Iraq 's decision to bow to UN pressure had been preceded by a robust defence of its policies by the Deputy Prime Minister , Tariq Aziz .
5 The local authority 's decision to agree to his application was an admission that they had been wrong all the time .
6 But Laird 's trade unionists are still bitter about the council 's decision to object to the proposed Point of Ayr gas terminal the development that could offer a lifeline to the yard if it wins approval .
7 Likewise , every decision is made as a result of some influence : a patient 's decision to consent to an operation will normally be influenced by the surgeon 's advice as to what will happen if the operation does not take place .
8 In Re Friends of the Earth the applicants sought review of Minister 's decision to consent to the construction of Sizewell B nuclear generating plant .
9 Idi Lala , leader of the exiled MCLN , described the RDC 's decision to stick to a one-party system as " thoughtless and dangerous " , because it ignored recurrent social unrest and mass support for a multiparty system .
10 Net provisions dived from £38.7 million to just £6.8 million , reflecting Kleinwort 's decision to get to grips with doubtful loans .
11 We must be prepared to focus unsentimentally on antiracism 's inability to respond to other distinctive aspects of these new forms of racism .
12 Ducal influence in the region has , however , been judged remote and ineffectual , a verdict based largely on Gloucester 's inability to get to grips with the problems caused by the decaying system of local office holding .
13 Ducal influence in the region has , however , been judged remote and ineffectual , a verdict based largely on Gloucester 's inability to get to grips with the problems caused by the decaying system of local office holding .
14 They also modify the accountant 's certificate to refer to controlled trust money .
15 A moving and painfully honest account of a mother 's struggle to come to terms with the death of her baby .
16 Throughout 1990 the opposition JLP showed signs of serious internal dissension centred upon Seaga 's allegedly " autocratic " style of leadership , but also symptomatic of the JLP 's struggle to come to terms with its defeat in the 1989 general election and its poor performance in the March 1990 municipal elections .
17 Rachel 's opportunity to speak to her parents came on Saturday morning after the community nurse had arrived and was tending to Jennifer in her room and she and her parents were sitting at the kitchen table .
18 Dr Bailey believes that Infolink 's willingness to respond to the changing requirements of its customer base has helped the company to maintain a leading position in the credit industry .
19 It is however seen as an important signal of Mexico 's willingness to respond to environmental concerns .
20 They ( the BPX representatives ) confirm the company 's willingness to listen to the community . ’
21 Unfortunately the post of armourer was not granted to James Graham , but the need to placate Provost Christie still produced action at the Board of Ordnance which transferred the Master Gunner of Stirling Castle to Portsmouth and commissioned the provost 's son-in-law to succeed to the Stirling post .
22 RACE HATE , rape fear , miscegenation , a battle-scarred outsider 's fight to come to terms with the new society — the themes of Ford 's massively influential movie would provide rich pickings for '70s brats in the years to come .
23 In this context , the Military Committee agreed on unspecified overall force reductions , but its most significant contribution was a plan ( subject to approval by Defence Ministers ) to create a " rapid reaction " force , which would be a key element in the alliance 's capability to respond to any future security threat to the territory of its member states .
24 Customers such as those in the automotive , plastics and rubber industries , are increasingly demanding tighter and tighter product specifications and also the right to assess a supplier 's capability to produce to consistent standards .
25 Alzheimer 's research to go to Dundee
26 He said Hobbins took the key , helped himself to a 20-round magazine , and stole a fellow soldier 's car to drive to Barbara 's Harlesden bedsit .
27 SUPER Warrington wrecked Hull 's bid to go to the top of the Stones Bitter Championship .
28 However , its broader significance was in marking a major step in Jordan 's attempt to return to the Arab mainstream in the aftermath of the Gulf war .
29 In the sonnets involving the Dark Lady , however , with their tortuous triangular structure , the reader does stand apart , watching the poet 's attempt to come to terms with deception and exclusion :
30 At the time of the first interviews in June 1990 the authorities were grappling with the devolution of services to the units and the district 's attempt to come to terms with the new role of purchaser .
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