Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 However , a couple 's income continued to be aggregated and any progress towards the effective ( rather than formal ) equal treatment of men and women was undermined by the introduction of the ‘ full-time exclusion clause ’ .
2 In a part of Chile where half the region 's income goes to 10 per cent of the population and a quarter of all the people regularly do n't have enough to eat , the day to day problems of scraping together an income are common .
3 In the end , both parties agreed on a payment of £200 , and Crawford 's contract came to an end .
4 Moscovici 's defence refers to the destructive power of operational definitions to restrict intellectual advance .
5 The basis of the debtor 's defence seems to be that the action is a fraud on the other parties to the contract to forbear from suing .
6 As your father had made no will of his own , all the relation 's money came to you and her . ’
7 What disturbed Tammuz more than Zambia 's unexpected visit was Roirbak 's parting shot to hir .
8 Top individual striker 's award went to Pam Wright with a mean and magnificent 154 points .
9 But this week 's award goes to MR CLIFF RICHARD , for his assertion that , ‘ I could do a nude video and it would be the biggest thing that ever happened in Britain . ’
10 is that Tom Farmer and also the Hib 's board seem to on , on on , numerous occasions say they 've no interest in Ingleston , and they want to go ahead with Straiton .
11 This is the detached voice of reason judiciously intervening without allegiances into a debate in which it has been for the most part silent.3 The intervention reinforces the distinction between what Proust 's text does to itself and what de Man does to it , positioning him with the reader at a critical distance from , and therefore in shared judgement of , his own argument .
12 So it is to most fish 's advantage to grow to their maximum size as quickly as possible .
13 Harry 's ghost called to her from the stone skull of the castle .
14 After pledging £20,000 for wheelchair races , the region 's support increased to £95,000 after a substantial shortfall in the commercial sponsorship which now appears certain to be repeated this year unless additional major supporters can be found .
15 IF so many countries can pledge troops to help relieve the crisis in Somalia , why is Britain 's support limited to two planes ?
16 The PvdA 's support fell to 24.8 per cent , more than 5 percentage points below its 1986 result .
17 This is quite understandable if the non-specified version of the infinitive 's support corresponds to a " generalized person " : since this person is the virtual sum of all persons ( first , second or third ) , if to snow is not explicitly referred to it , the infinitive is felt as having a possible reference to " me " or " you " , which corresponds exactly to the impression produced by the sentence above and explains why it does not make sense .
18 Here we have a repetition of the childhood in which the parent 's weakness contributed to the unconscious need for punishment .
19 Even if Dr Courtney 's case went to the Court of Appeal , it would be unlikely to impose the stiffest jail term of life imprisonment .
20 A French tourist visiting England Locke 's case seems to be that the moment he steps on the territory of England he has tacitly agreed erm to obey the laws and in return erm of course he receives the protection of those laws .
21 But the whole point of the question is whether Grant 's case applies to a misdirected letter of acceptance .
22 The almost inherent suspicion the police have of strangers was in the RUC 's case added to by worries about whether their personal security would be compromised and concern over the intentions of the police management .
23 A settlement in Miss Shearer 's case has to be formalised by July 20 , Mr Brown said .
24 This suggests a naivety on Serafin 's part amounting to a kind of idiocy .
25 A few nights later she went with Maureen to Benediction , and as she glanced at her sister , deep in prayer , Anne was conscious of how much Maureen 's faith meant to her , and how her own well-meant interference might have severed that lifeline for her beloved sister .
26 The latest incident happened just half a mile from the previous assault , and the attacker 's description appears to be the same .
27 Isabelle Jan surmised that the lack of ‘ the essential emotional outlet of erotic passion ’ in children 's literature led to ‘ more or less disguised and distorted substitutes for adult love ’ but goes on to point out that passionate feeling can be , and is , expressed strongly in family relationships .
28 Belinda Jones , ’ the owner of the name said simply , and waited while Dr Russell 's sister seemed to fully take in her presence for the first time .
29 Shakespear 's Sister took to the stage to what must be the worst intro tape I 've ever heard .
30 Eliot 's use of primitive ritual to reveal the horror of Sweeney 's existence relates to his connection of Conrad and James as writers who involve their audience in the apprehension of deepseated levels of evil .
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