Example sentences of "not within the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 decisions of those courts not within the hierarchy of the English legal system .
2 But no money refunded is not within the law .
3 The seller 's skill and judgment were relied upon as to matters not within the buyer 's specification .
4 The point of a demonstration may be nullified if the target of the protest is not within the sight or hearing of the demonstrators , and it may be expected that it would only be in exceptional circumstances that conditions would be imposed preventing such a gathering .
5 But the terms to achieve this end are not in Jharkhand , and not within the grasp of an independent Jharkhand State .
6 Such a task is not within the competence of the Commission .
7 The new constitution described the FRY as a " sovereign federal state based on the principle of equality of its citizens and its member republics " ; the republics had sovereignty over issues not within the competence of the FRY .
8 A clear consensus emerged that ‘ reprovision ’ of the two asylums by resettlement of the resident population was feasible , but not within the cost constraints set out by the RHA .
9 Waiting lists for marriage guidance can be many months long so the client comes to the CAB instead ; independent debt counsellors are rare outside the CAB ; unemployment causes stress that is not within the remit of the Job Centre , so the client comes to the CAB ; few of these problems have easy or immediate solutions .
10 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
11 All applications are to be made , in the first instance , to the registrar , unless the judge has given a general or special direction to the contrary or the order sought is not within the registrar 's power to make ( r 7.6(2) ) .
12 As I say I do n't want to promise you something and and then and then at the end you say well hang on we did n't look at that because that 's not within the agenda of of these two days .
13 These are that the order impugned is not within the powers of the Act or that any requirement of the Act has not been complied with .
14 This diversity of view is manifested in Smith v. East Elloe Rural District Council in which their Lordships adopted a variety of views as to the meaning of ‘ not within the powers of this Act . ’
15 The sensible interpretation would be to read the phrase ‘ not within the powers of this Act ’ so as to include any of the traditional heads of ultra vires and there is authority for this position .
16 In its simplest form hearsay is evidence of facts which are not within the knowledge of a witness but have been communicated to him by another .
17 Australia 's world record try-scorer backed up Carling when he said : ‘ If all referees agreed on what is and is not within the laws , then we would not need to keep tinkering with them .
18 In some cases the technology involved is not within the company 's competence ; in others it is so critical to the performance of the product that the company wishes to have it under direct control .
19 In some cases the technology involved is not within the company 's competence ; in others it is so critical to the performance of the product that the company wishes to have it under direct control .
20 Mergers and takeovers are not within the company 's experience , and are not likely to succeed in such a consistent , pervasive corporate culture .
21 The Inland Revenue has now clarified the position ( Statement of Practice SP6/90 dated 27 April 1990 ) : ( i ) this section does not affect conveyances or transfers which fall within s83 of the Finance Act 1985 and Category H above ; ( ii ) if on a conveyance or transfer of property subject to a debt ( not within the provisions of s83 ) the transferee covenants ( either in the instrument or separately ) to pay the debt or indemnify the transferor in respect thereof such covenant constitutes valuable consideration and establishes the transaction as a sale for stamp duty purposes .
22 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
23 The major objection to this argument is that the obligations are contained within the Protocol and not within the Treaty itself ; there is no organic link between the two legal instruments creating a mutuality of obligations .
24 As the company was not a party , discovery as understood in England was not available ; as it was not within the United Kingdom no subpoena duces tecum could be issued ( and that would only secure the production of documents at the trial , not for pre-trial inspection ) .
25 Where standards followed by manufacturers are voluntary rather than mandatory such as British Standard , this is not within the defence anticipated here .
26 It did not declare the Treaty to be null and void , for the United States was not within the Court 's jurisdiction .
27 Beyond that there is the deep-felt conviction that it is not within the rights of any person to use the machinery of state in order to force his conception of the good life on other adult persons .
28 The act must be ‘ judicial ’ ; if it is not within the functions of the judiciary in the State of execution , e.g. conducting conciliation in matrimonial proceedings or valuing property , the Request may be refused ( even if it is a judicial act in the requesting State ) .
29 ‘ Now it is a general rule , that no court of limited jurisdiction can give itself jurisdiction by a wrong decision on a point collateral to the merits of the case upon which the limit to its jurisdiction depends ; and however its decision may be final on all particulars , making up together that subject-matter which , if true , is within its jurisdiction , and , however necessary in many cases it may be for it to make a preliminary inquiry , whether some collateral matter be or be not within the limits , yet , upon this preliminary question , its decision must always be open to inquiry in the superior Court . ’
30 To give a full picture of this past is a daunting task , not within the scope of this book .
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