Example sentences of "not like the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Typically , field scientists spend two or three years studying why the range in eastern Montana is not like the range in western Montana , and explaining to Washington why it should be managed differently — only to be told by bureaucrats that all rangeland planning must be the same everywhere .
2 Not like the computer unit we use at the university . ’
3 It 's not like the problem with lead .
4 ‘ She was a beautiful child , too , and tall — not like the rest of us .
5 Not like the rest of us .
6 The first thing is erm those of you that know this area will know that it 's er not like the rest of Hampshire er leaving aside Southampton .
7 They were not like the crew quarters , but reminded him more of a hospital , even before he saw what appeared to be an operating theatre .
8 Not like the blob .
9 No it 's not like the cheesecake I had
10 ‘ Yes , but it 's not like the map , ’ he said .
11 I shouted above the din , ‘ Big change in the scenery now , not like the peace and quiet of the waterworks at Southampton . ’
12 Christ no , it 's not like the Wellport days , back when : poor old Tod and his one-man no-shows , his lone fiascos .
13 Being enchanted , its floor was not like the floor of the Forest , gorse and bracken and heather , but close-set grass , quiet and smooth and green .
14 Not like the river valley .
15 Put cream and the expensive bits , not like the chicken and the time it takes
16 Everybody has More or less has a paper It 's not like the Scotsman or the News , as regards numbers , but then you 've got all the local news and you got all the local advertisements .
17 It 's not like the washing powder or something like that , they reckon you said it 's just you know
18 Not like the Empire when we got everything cheap . ’
19 The Pharisee , Jesus said , thanked God that he was not like the Publican or any other lesser mortal .
20 Not like the population grows faster than the food so
21 ‘ It 's not like the end of the world .
22 For three days there has been smoke , not like the time before .
23 We ca n't call on Delmonico 's out here in the country , not like the city .
24 However , a discipline 's interest in this world , and any discipline will do as an example here , is not like the interest that any of us show in that world as a world in which we have to do , and know about , the quite ordinary and mundane things that we do .
25 Yes , it 's informal … it 's not like the computing department here producing reports , as they recently did , which are multiple choice .
26 It 's not like the virus that gives you a cold .
27 You are not like the French .
28 Not like the covenant which I made when I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt — my covenant which they broke Although I was a husband to them , says the Lord .
29 When I say we 've got some trouble , we do , but it 's not like the trouble we had half an hour ago , when in fact there were three lines , sections of which there were no trains on at all .
30 Not like the curé of Ars .
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