Example sentences of "not for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not not for normal talk .
2 Definition : Investment is the production of or expenditure by firms on goods and services which are not for current consumption : that is , real capital goods , like factories , machines , bridges and motorways , all goods which yield a flow of consumer goods and services in future periods .
3 The improvement may only be apparent ( or pseudo ) if , in addition , the increase in real output per capita is accompanied by negative externalities or is caused by increased production of goods and services which are not for current consumption .
4 It is firms ' spending on goods which are not for current consumption but which yield a flow of consumer goods and services in the future .
5 Pictures of the chairman ten years ago or the old plant before the renovations are only of interest for the company history and are definitely not for current use .
6 Popular misconceptions often stem from assuming that the national debt is analogous with private debt , which is true for external government debt but not for internal debt :
7 This is ideal for thick yarns and pile knitting , but not for ordinary work .
8 For no other subject of public concern — not for economic policy , disarmament , welfare reform , nuclear power plants — has the professional outlook on a controversy been so shut off from a voice in the national press .
9 Liability is imposed for defective goods , not for defective land .
10 It would be even nicer to think he was trying to make her jealous because he still cared for her and not for pure spite , and it would be nice if she sobered up and faced life 's harsh realities !
11 It was a fear expressed across the religious spectrum of antislavery and a major source of the conviction , particularly of Unitarians , that the slave trade was a subject not for sectarian difference but for the united opposition ‘ of the various denominations of Christians ’ .
12 It contained a mass of papers relevant to the ‘ vision ’ , and sometimes it had been my duty to show it to privileged people , though it was not for general release .
13 It was certainly not for general release to the public .
14 There was some support for specialist but not for general practice franchising .
15 not for general use
16 In 1988 the university purportedly terminated the applicant 's contract of employment not for good cause but on the ground of redundancy , giving him three months ' written notice .
17 These results are typical of the others : the speculative efficiency hypothesis is rejected for some but not for other exchange rates .
18 Debenham & Freebody 's of Wigmore Street did so in 1920 , but not for tardy payment of a long outstanding account but for an order which the customer denied had ever been given .
19 NT 's SMP implementation is not for existing iAPX-86 personal computers at all …
20 They were also prepared to work together , sharing expertise and developing resources and techniques for continuous improvement , not for individual company gain but for the greater benefit of Scotland .
21 Each of the ways of expressing the no-arbitrage condition considered in Chapter 4 allows for compound growth , but not for continuous compounding .
22 The institutions will be licensed to use the language only for research and development purposes , not for developing business applications .
23 Citrine was happy to tell them , in the traditional ( if somewhat imprecise ) formula , that the industry was now to be operated in the national interest and not for private gain .
24 One example of how she uses her position for the good of the game , and for others , occurred in October when , suffering from a painful wrist injury and against her doctor 's advice , she played an exhibition , not for personal gain , but to raise money for multiple sclerosis .
25 The contributors to Passion have expressed the desire to support the Project not for financial gain or fame ( although these are by-products on occasion ! ) .
26 I think it is important for trade unionists to realise this , so they know their fellow trade unionists are sitting on these appeal panels to try to ensure justice is done , and not for financial gain .
27 As the company was not a party , discovery as understood in England was not available ; as it was not within the United Kingdom no subpoena duces tecum could be issued ( and that would only secure the production of documents at the trial , not for pre-trial inspection ) .
28 They may well provide insight and help for other behavioural disorders but not for addictive disease as such .
29 Oases are misleadingly named ; they are simply polar desert areas , notable for their absence of ice but not for floristic abundance .
30 So if you are dismissed before the agreed age , you might have a claim for breach of contract , but not for unfair dismissal if you are over the normal retiring age for colleagues in your class of work .
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