Example sentences of "not about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm disappointed about that but not about the standard , it was a great game .
2 Now it might be objected that I am talking here about language knowledge and not communicative behaviour , about how grammar might be learned and not about the development of a language using ability .
3 They are not even about the accessibility of services , and they are certainly not about the development of economic and social policies — something that is so often ignored in the scramble to fragment and disintegrate what was built up over the last century by local government people of all political persuasions .
4 There was plenty , not about the past but what was to come in the future .
5 For example , and I 'm not saying this is , this is so , but it 's not unusual in that kind of dream if it 's recurring in the present , to find that really it 's about the present and not about the past .
6 It is not about the promotion of one particular kind of experience over another , for this only creates the kinds of divisions so obvious in the political and religious systems of today .
7 Management in particular is not about the preservation of the status quo , it is about maintaining the highest rate of change that the organization and the people within it can stand .
8 Khomeini is reputed to have told his followers : ‘ The revolution is not about the price of watermelons . ’
9 His latest book , written in 1990 , is not about the aftermath of the disaster as its English subtitle suggests .
10 Concern was not about the complexity of sexual abuse cases for social workers , the police and other workers , but on establishing the ‘ right guidelines ’ .
11 Not about the girl , I do n't need that .
12 No , not about the drink .
13 There was nothing primordial about Italianness , just as there is not about the South Africanness of the ANC .
14 And as he drives away , he 's thinking not about the assertiveness of a petty official , but about the horizon .
15 I assure the hon. Gentleman that the smile was not about the issue he was raising .
16 erm The Spire is erm a symbol that has a lot of meanings attached to it , and it 's finally a book not about the building of a spire , but about a particular obsession in an individual human being , about the ideas that a man might have about ways of doing great things , which might actually be ideas that are rooted in some sort of self-deception .
17 Moore insists that the statement that good is indefinable is not about the word ‘ good ’ but about the notion or object it denotes .
18 Not about the sight of me acting , thought Arthur ; surely not .
19 WH : ‘ Our track ‘ Eastenders ’ is not about the TV show , it 's about …
20 It is not about the behaviour of individual members of the Royal Family .
21 this joke is not about the colour of skin , the fat and the thin
22 erm I , I agree with Ann , not about the government , but I agree that I do n't think anything very obvious will have changed in a year erm but I do n't think it depends on the government .
23 At best they can tell us about aspects of the general biochemical and hormonal ‘ state ’ of the brain necessary for learning and memory formation to occur , the tuning and volume mechanisms , but not about the memory processes , the message on the tape itself .
24 This , posed by the Nobel Laureate economist Wassily Leontief , asks , not about the fate of stable-hands , ostlers , and grooms , but about the horses themselves .
25 Not about the cottage , of course .
26 Avril was worried — but not about the operation .
27 Nobody talked about it in the classes , only the birth and the pregnancy , not about the baby afterwards , or how you will feel .
28 His benevolent brown eyes are looking at the floor to Shirley 's left , about five feet beyond her , and he appears to be thinking not about the flute as a career , but about the problems and opportunities of kitchen floor tiling .
29 Papinian 's doubts , therefore , are not about the validity of setting up trusts in indirect words , but about the use to which the testator is putting these words .
30 Only she did n't need to think about it , not really , not about the lovemaking itself at any rate — it was indelibly printed on her mind in glorious Technicolor .
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