Example sentences of "not so [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 So what we 're going to do is to trail our coats in a variety of sessions , to suggest a variety of things to you , and see whether you agree with them or not so please feel free to come in as and when appropriate and see what you think .
2 Do not so well agree ;
3 Hands are not so easy come by for a slaver .
4 This species is very similar to O. simulans but differs in the following respects : it appears to reach a much larger size ; the spinelets of the disk are less elaborate and have fewer points to the crown ; the shape of the oral shield differs and is depressed in O. aculeata ; the adoral shields are more wing-like and separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate ; the arm spines are less rugose particularly the proximal ventral spines ; and finally the ventral most arm spine is not so distinctly sabre shaped as in O. simulans .
5 Virgin flesh was not so easily come upon in those days ; and a virgin garnished with terror was an unexpected breakfast treat after his long sleep .
6 but they 're not so easily beat
7 The quality press and the Daily Mail do not so readily create nicknames , although they are willing to use the existing currency — ‘ Yesterday , detectives were hunting a man locals call ‘ the stranger from Devil 's Wood ’ ' ( Daily Mail ) .
8 Incompatible therefore though a Co-operative sector would be with the Webbs ' version of the fully Socialist economy , the incompatibility has not so far become obtrusive in the United Kingdom because Labour Governments , which incidentally have had the support of the Co-operative Party as the political arm of the Co-operative Consumer Movement , have carried western Socialist Empiricism to the point of settling for the mixed economy ; and any central planning has been indicative — and , some would say , ineffectual — rather than mandatory .
9 In the streets , vehicles clattered along on tyreless wheels , with the day not so far of– when even at the front the airforce would be forced to encase plane wheels in wooden clogs when being wheeled from the hangar , just to save precious rubber .
10 Unhappily , he did not so often get it right .
11 Indeed , most forms of agriculture do not so much disturb the natural environment as destroy it and replace it by a manmade artefact .
12 The whole operation does not so much aspire to style as do what it pleases with it .
13 It did not so much reach a conclusion as slow down and dribble into silence , as though the players had got bored with the melody and let it slip through their fingers carelessly .
14 He does not so much sit as squat upon the rug , kneeled over the low table as though in prayer .
15 This is appropriate , for the story that the letters not so much tell as adumbrate comes through with a wistful fragrance that is very affecting if one reads slowly .
16 Shakespeare does not so much take sides as show how the state is threatened by the tragic collision of opposing forces : for antique Rome read Jacobean England .
17 With him art does not so much represent nature as human nature creates through art .
18 Again , this did not so much represent a ‘ betrayal of socialist ideals ’ as a response to the evident absence of any developed thinking on the part of socialists as to how ‘ planning ’ should be conducted in a peacetime economy , without the overriding and generally agreed common objective of victory in war as the guiding principle and without the continuation of ‘ dictatorial ’ direction of labour .
19 If there is any one awareness common to the great modern writers , it is that language will not do our bidding , that good or bad intentions do not so much pave roads , as poke up odd coloured weeds through the roadway .
20 Pressures for a particular settlement in the Church , in other words , emerged from within society before the establishment of the new regime ; the eventual religious settlement worked out did not so much create the religious problem but rather was an attempt to deal with a religious problem that already existed , although in doing so the government inevitably created new religious tensions in the process .
21 First , all the evidence that is available shows that the expansion of the social services did not so much rely on the workers made redundant from the industrial sector but rather it drew on new sources of labour — mainly women .
22 The crisis over the succession which emerged at the end of Anne 's reign did not so much divide the parties , but split the Tories .
23 Jarman does not so much wear his homosexuality on his sleeve as brandish it like a day-glo banner .
24 It was not until the last hymn that Ianthe happened to turn her head slightly and not so much see him as become conscious that he was sitting behind her and presumably had been throughout the service .
25 Chuters had lost part of their workforce to the war — the man in the apron had bad feet — but there was not so much work around for those who remained .
26 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
27 In this case , although people were selective about which bits of the past they emphasized ( concentrating on state-renouncing ) , they did not so much reinterpret the past in the light of their present preoccupations ; rather , they polished an idealized account of rights , with their ancestors as heroes of duty .
28 They deserve a more sensitive environment that does not so harshly relegate them en masse to the category of ‘ old people ’ and does not emphasize , in attitudes and actions , their increasing dependency ; many need help , too , in coming to terms with the process of ageing and the major adjustments it entails — to retirement , to relinquishing their home , etc .
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