Example sentences of "not been used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has not been used outside of CASE before .
2 In June 1925 , the Ministry of Transport ( which had replaced the Transport Department of the Board of Trade in 1919 ) took note of the poor condition of the track and road surface on the Cricket Green spur at Mitcham , which had not been used since the war .
3 It had not been used since 1978 , but became necessary because of the extent of the financial needs of the former Soviet republics , added to other world financial problems .
4 Though custodianship has not been used to any appreciable extent yet , the same arguments would apply as with long-term fostering .
5 There is really little point in scolding the puppy at this stage , especially if it has not been used to the big outdoors before .
6 Microprocessors have not been used for this work up to now and the first-ever system for a PWR is currently being installed by the French at their new power station at Paluel .
7 Do n't be discouraged by this , as it is a good sign that you have stretched muscles that have not been used for some time .
8 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
9 It was covered with climbing plants , and clearly had not been used for years .
10 Therefore my own chapel which has not been used for two generations but for a lumber room , because our family seldom resided here long together , shall be cleared and cleaned and got ready for the ceremony .
11 At what I called the Winter Marsh inlet , though it was not called anything on the map , there was a wooden quay in what struck me as remarkably good condition for a structure that presumably had not been used for several years .
12 Numbers 420 and 427 have not been used for quite some time and will be sold by the MOD as surplus to requirements , perhaps to be purchased by some preserved railway ?
13 Meadowbank , which has not been used for a concert since 1989 , will host the return of the Prince of Pop and his band , the New Power Generation , who last year sold out Glasgow 's Celtic Park .
14 Mogadishu airport had not been used for relief supplies since June 1 , when food aid had been stolen at gunpoint .
15 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
16 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
17 The money has not been used for that purpose .
18 Unlike age , sex and social class , ethnicity as such has not been used as a census category ( though the OPCS plans to use it in the 1991 Census ) .
19 ‘ And Sabine has not been used as a de Rochefort name for several generations .
20 Although all three techniques have been used in the past , they have not been used as the prime form of monetary policy .
21 The Dundalk complex , situated on Gallow 's Hill , has not been used as a jail since 1931 .
22 Although the cage remained in 1823 , Bond reported ‘ to the credit of the sex it has not been used of late years ’ .
23 She took no part in the exclaiming and protesting and analysing nor would she indulge in speculation as to what had really happened or as to why the letter of authority had not been used against Ellen .
24 18 women have been put in administrative detention for 6 months without trial a measure that has not been used against women since 1979 .
25 The materials have not been used within traditional library lessons , but have been integrated into day-to-day practice of teaching .
26 Mathematical perspective of a Renaissance sort had not been used in European medieval art , where the size of a figure often derives from the person 's importance , God the father never being small .
27 In Rex 's terms that means the malt and hops are organic and finings have not been used in the production ; not that finings affect the organic status of the brew , but Rex objects on vegetarian grounds .
28 Additional scat samples were obtained from captive mongooses and genets in London Zoo in order to compare the degrees of digestion , but the samples from the captive animals have not been used in the statistical comparisons .
29 Almost all UK academic libraries attempt to orientate the new user to the services and stock of the library , and there are very few orientation methods which have not been used in recent years — lectures , seminars , tours ( guided and self-guided ) , video-tapes , slide-lectures , tape-slides , programmed instruction , posters , audio-tapes , games , computer-assisted instruction , and of course library guides .
30 Social perceptions of what is or is not obscene or indecent may change but the legislation may remain to trap the unwary in a much more liberal climate ; and just because the legislation has not been used in many years that does not mean it will not be applied again .
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