Example sentences of "not been a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the father of eleven children ( laughter and applause ) — I have not been a disciple of Dr Malthus but you will clearly understand that , while I appreciate the ladies , I am strongly of the opinion that they have their proper station in life ( Hear !
2 erm there has not been a manifesto for the next General Election , which may take place in a week or two , or in a year or so .
3 He was appointed lector at the Oxford Franciscan convent , but in 1253 a dispute arose at his presentation to incept as a doctor of theology , the opponents of the friars challenging his eligibility , as he had not been a master of arts .
4 Hetty , the child of a clergyman and one of 19 siblings , had been taught , as a child , to cry softly for fear of being beaten ; ‘ by which means , ’ she wrote , ‘ the family usually lived in as much quietness as if there had not been a child among them . ’
5 In the summer of our second year in Rye my four grandchildren came to stay — Mark , Elizabeth , Emma , Charlotte — and I realised that for more than a hundred years there had not been a child at Lamb House .
6 The official story had always been that Greg was simply a close family friend , but a child could have seen through the pretence and she had not been a child for a very long time , perhaps not since that long-ago night when she was four years old and had stood , unseen , outside a bedroom door …
7 But perhaps , I wondered , had we not been a bit harsh , a bit premature ?
8 ‘ The past year has not been a year of successful treatment or progress .
9 It would have been surprising had there not been a ripple of unease running through the Jenkins family .
10 Keith Sinclair and Gordon Lucking claim they have not been kept in touch with club affairs and that there has not been a board meeting since May last year .
11 It has not been a characteristic of the Department of Education and Science in the past few years — The Minister seems not to accept that , but if he talked to teachers about one or two recent arbitrary changes in education provision , he might well hear the view that there could have been more consultation .
12 Confession had not been a factor in the slowness of Pétain 's promotion in the way that it had checked the career of Foch , de Castelnau and other ardent Catholics ; indeed , Pétain could boast that he had not been to Mass for thirty years , so on this score alone he should have been earmarked , as things stood , for rapid advancement .
13 We were convinced we had witnessed a terrible accident and hurried to the police station at Lochcarron to report the incident , there to be reassured that there had not been a crash , and gently rebuked for assuming there had been .
14 I have not been a thief for seventeen years , chance would be a thing .
15 If you want to make the most out of your interviews with professional people , ensure that they will be prepared to take you seriously because they know you have not been a time-waster in the past .
16 ‘ Beardsley had not been a regular under Kenny Dalglish and even Graeme Souness had left him out .
17 Yeah — i have not mentioned Ronny before — he has not been a regular in our national team — but he did play against Holland in our 0–0 away draw and he was also the man that headed in the 3–0 goal on wednesday in Norway 's humiliation of Poland .
18 Further , there has not been a date allocated for the future although its replacement is expected to run in April .
19 Whether those arguments are valid or not , they have certainly not been a deterrent : the big bang is an ever-expanding field of research .
20 Now , she knew that it had not been a hallucination , it had been real .
21 Importing the ingredients through wholesalers has not been a problem .
22 Generally , however , discipline has not been a problem between them in recent years and there have been some pulsating contests .
23 Mr Tutton blamed it on a type of narrow laser beam used in early operations and said it had not been a problem for the British patients .
24 So far though it has not been a problem raising money for the sharp end of mountain rescue — for new ropes or new vehicles and the like .
25 Our experience generally in North Yorkshire 's been over the last ten years that overall , there have been exceptions , but generally overall , there 's not been a problem about local plans drying up and then allocations drying up over the period , generally .
26 With the minimal scarring of a 1 cm incision , wound pain has not been a problem .
27 ‘ For most people that has not been a problem — the pay-as-you-earn system already deals very simply with the tax affairs of some 16 million employees .
28 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
29 Soviet interest in foreign technology therefore has not been a response to detente , but to perceptions of internal need , and increases in trade flows have not always coincided with greater political relaxation .
30 An early experiment in 1963 using explosives had not been a success , and in 1981 the geophysicists turned to Vibroseis .
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