Example sentences of "not by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This meant more than the elimination of exploitation , which had already been achieved in the Stalinist period : it meant the elimination of the oppression of man by man , which could be achieved only by the working class itself and not by a bureaucracy on its behalf .
2 That was true , and if it suggested they had been alerted by the security pass and not by a friend in the underpaid BBC World Service , then so much the better .
3 They had raised themselves but still remained crouched , and were moving slowly by the hedge towards the tree , when once again Martin 's attention was brought round to the strip of woodland , not by a noise this time , but by a strange feeling of impending danger .
4 Changes can be made in the look of any step not by a change in the tempo but in the time signature : for example , dancing a pas de basque to a 2/4 or 6/8 instead of the usual 3/4 .
5 When a proton and deuterium fuse they also give helium-3 , accompanied not by a neutron this time but by radiant energy , a gamma ray .
6 Not by a character , but by a building .
7 ‘ The fruits of the park have been guarded latterly , not by a dragon , but by fierce bulls , one of which drove from his labours a celebrated artist , who , with difficulty , escaped over the wall into the lower park . ’
8 The ‘ correct ’ line on any issue was established not by a survey of opinion within the Party but by rigorous scientific analysis .
9 Clause 17 should be dealt with separately , if not by a Bill in its own right then at least by the Scottish Grand Committee , which should sit separately to consider clause 17 , as it applies only to our country .
10 Now , this surge in demand was equally clearly created by the grown-up private sector , not by a government binge .
11 But from the peace of your Munro , all such regrets at its passing as a place of tranquillity vanish and it unveils its wilder delights at the east to those who come by foot and not by a knob-head 's speed boat .
12 For example , supposing that the flow investigated becomes more complicated than might be expected because of an instability , this fact would be discovered not by a stability analysis but by the observation , in the laboratory or on the computer , that a complicated flow occurred .
13 The Borough preferred to build the hospital themselves and make suitable financial arrangements with the guardians ; in this they were supported by Mr. Hurst , but not by a majority .
14 Another was for portfolios of firms to be owned not by a pension fund but by a specialist financial or management group : Kohlberg , Kravis , Roberts or Hanson , which buy , break up and set strict financial controls for what remains ; Clayton & Dubilier or Forstmann Little , which exert direct supervision over managers ; Berkshire Hathaway , which is a more remote but patient investor .
15 The Scottish Typographical Circular for instance rather specialized in joke articles over a woman 's signature which are obviously not by a woman at all .
16 It was called not by a pope , nor even a patriarch , but by the Empress Irene .
17 The conditions under which women , particularly married women , acquire maintenance from the state are determined not by a desire to maintain their incentives to take waged work , but by a concern that they will continue their unwaged work for caring for their families .
18 So keen is Berkeley on the idea that the existence of real objects consists in their actually being perceived , that he appears to explain their continuity , not by a readiness on God 's part to excite ideas in us , but rather by God 's own continued perception .
19 The very opening theme [ 1 ] , in a matter-of-fact but distinctly pompous B flat major , is Swallow 's own motif , while Grimes is portrayed not by a theme but , as we shall see , by a texture .
20 Not by a shadow of expression , a nuance of tone , was Luke going to reveal his true involvement with Elise .
21 The crime has got to be solved by your detective , not by a piece of luck .
22 The comparison was naive in its failure to recognise the burden borne by working class wives , but Becker was rebelling primarily against the idea that the middle class woman should be ‘ kept ’ , if not by a husband then by a father , brother , or other male relative .
23 Moreover , my main objection to Mr Graham 's analogy was the implication that this ‘ dignity ’ was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature ; and if one did not self-evidently have it , to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful .
24 A civil court was being asked to decide whether Mr Anderson had murdered Mr Mullan , an issue normally determined by a jury in the High Court , not by a sheriff .
25 Nato is controlled by the governments of its member nations , not by a Nato Commission or a Nato Parliament .
26 Both uses can in French be covered by the same word ancien , but they are distinguished in that the separative use requires prenominal position , while the standard use has the adjective after the noun , as in : ( 43 ) l'ancienne école de Charlie a fait banqueroute ( 44 ) cette école ancienne a hébergé les fils des tyrans depuis des siècles The same distinction is also marked overtly in Thai ; in this case it is realized not by a difference of syntactic position , but by a different choice of lexical item .
27 He may be mistaken in his choice of means , but it is against nature that he should wish harm to his kingdom ’ A unified and consistent policy , it was often contended , could be carried on only by a monarch , not by a group of ministers each of whom had his own axe to grind ( this was a favourite argument of Frederick II in particular ) .
28 We sit against the wall , beneath a slogan reading ‘ Rescue My Foot ’ which has been spray-painted not by a patron , but by the owner , Abel .
29 Unlike its Scottish namesake , Leven is not by the sea but six miles from it on the main Beverley to Bridlington road , 14 miles from Bridlington and six miles from Hornsea .
30 We ended up not by the sea .
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