Example sentences of "not even [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Most experienced pilots and instructors do n't remember their own early flights and do n't realise that sensations which cause discomfort on a first flight will not even be noticed by the hardened pilot or instructor .
2 He can imagine a variety of possible discontinuities , as I have done here , and he may use each of these to construct an alternative scenario ; but this by no means exhausts the possible discontinuities , most of which can not even be conceived at the moment .
3 The graduate will not even be tied to the current set of accepted truths about the world in the discipline .
4 More significantly , if questions may not even be asked in open court about illegal tapping , how is the victim to find out about it in order to bring it to the attention of the police ?
5 They can ask questions as part of the academic community , but outside the scientific community : they are well placed to raise questions that might otherwise not even be asked , and provide answers .
6 It appears to me therefore that if a man diligently followed this desire , pursuing the false objects until their falsity appeared and then resolutely abandoning them , he must come out at last into the clear knowledge that the human soul was made to enjoy some object that is never fully given — nay , can not even be imagined as given — in our present mode of subjective and spatio-temporal experience .
7 We created works of art that could not even be imagined by lesser races ; we pushed our bodies even further and devised whole new theories and systems to improve our way of life .
8 However , there were even more terrible signs of this supposedly new streak of violent irritability to be found among the youth of working-class neighbourhoods , which could not even be justified on the grounds of over-enthusiastic jingo patriotism .
9 In the USA it is not uncommon for the recordings themselves to be broadcast on domestic television or radio in news or current affairs programmes , while in Australia , at the other extreme , the pilot 's union has an agreement that the CVR will not even be examined by official investigators unless the flight crew are killed .
10 By this time , my temperature and blood pressure was so high I could not even be given a proper anaesthetic .
11 Once you were Wigg 's enemy — and this was a judgement reached by him and not by the other person — there was no pursuit and no hostility that he would abandon ; but I remained an affectionate friend because of the other side of his character , which would not even be suspected by those with whom he was in controversy .
12 A further group of works and not even the relevant authorities know how many , except that it runs into hundreds of thousands are ‘ notified ’ ; that is , they may not even be lent , restored or sold within Italy , let alone exported , without the permission of the authorities .
13 According to Moscovici , so great is the qualitative difference that the widespread beliefs of modern society should not even be called ‘ common sense ’ : ‘ In societies like ours , there are no longer myths , nor even ‘ common sense ’ , in the correct meaning of these terms ' ( Moscovici , 1984 : 953 ) .
14 Unless the category of gender is explicitly seen as of methodological importance , the question can not even be raised .
15 So He made a tiny egg , so small that it could not even be seen , and a little room , on purpose for it to grow in , right inside the mother 's body .
16 If the suspect 's lawyer is not present , his statement may not even be documented , let alone used in later proceedings .
17 How long it endures — how long the Pacific wave will stand before it breaks , how full the chorus sings until it wavers , how long before the brilliance of the light begins to dim — can not even be guessed .
18 In other words it would mean that battles could be won which people have previously thought could not even be fought .
19 Similarly , a blouse which is purchased from a shop as an alienable commodity may then become so intimately associated with a particular individual that it may not even be borrowed by a sibling , After some time , however , the object may lose this close association , becoming , as jumble , an alienable commodity once again .
20 However , such a calculation should not even be attempted if the consequence is failure to complete the easier parts of the question .
21 An accident may happen — such as when a sufferer form alcoholism takes a sip of a drink that he or she was not aware contained alcohol — and this would not even be termed as a sip .
22 Despite conciliatory moves by Thakin Nu , and earnest pleas from Listowel , the Karens could not even be brought to agree among themselves .
23 If my proposal was accepted , legislation would not even be needed .
24 Nonetheless , a plan to enlarge the main Prado building has unleashed a passionate controversy — not least because the suggested extension would not even be used for the permanent display of works of art .
25 These ‘ id-impulses ’ may be either for ‘ perverse ’ sexual acts which sometimes can not even be admitted to consciousness as acts which the person desires , or they may be impulses of sadism and destructiveness .
26 I could not even be considered .
27 Ultimately the attempt to undermine the power of the Prime Minister can be portrayed as an attempt to undermine the whole system of parliamentary democracy as we know it and this will not even be considered .
28 Although all but one HIV test were negative such low active follow-up in any other study would be such that it would not even be considered for publication .
29 ‘ This is the sort of tournament that should not even be considered as a Ryder Cup qualifier .
30 A Member who has not yet made his maiden speech should not even be mentioned , far less attacked in the way that the hon. Gentleman is cynically going about it .
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