Example sentences of "not find it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever you are looking for in a holiday , we defy you not to find it in Majorca .
2 This sort of nasal overdrive sound , reminiscent of a blocked sinus ( and about as difficult to get rid of ) , dogs many a small combo amp and I was surprised not to find it in abundance on both VGs .
3 So , if you 've dreamed of a certain colour or pattern , you 'd be very unlucky not to find it in the Stoddard Templeton range .
4 I know that the Government have not found it in their hearts to extend the cold-weather provision for shelters for the homeless outside London and the many districts of need throughout the country .
5 I should not wish the young King to know about it or see , for he would not find it to his liking ; but I fear , so white is the stone , that he can not fail to see it from Mathefelon .
6 ‘ Yes , a pattern , of course we may not find it at once — ’
7 Similarly , the newly recruited engineer who six months previously was poring over the computer printout of a great new turbo-jet test run trying to find out why there was a short-fall in the power output will not find it at all easy if his first job is with a little four cylinder piston engine .
8 But they did not find it in the hypothalamus .
9 Yet if he , just a man , could not find it in his heart to condemn his brother or the boy who had used his brother 's weaknesses to lure him to his death , how could this God of love of his childhood destroy so savagely and so arbitrarily ?
10 The examiner is not looking for technical perfection and certainly would not find it in many candidates ' answers to this question .
11 A proliferation of pentecostal and evangelical sects , and the success of the Salvation Army ( founded in 1878 ) seemed to show that though the masses could still be moved by religious fervour , they could not find it in the established churches .
12 To his grief , Donny 's widow would not find it in her heart to speak to him again .
13 " Well , could you not find it in you to give her your blessings ? "
14 Much as he wanted to , and much as he had been moved by her tears , he could not find it in him to forgive her .
15 Guide those who are working to bring practical care in our city and our land , and we pray that you will bring peace to those who can not find it in our society .
16 And then — since you can not find it in your heart to love me — we will go our separate ways , for ever and ever , never to meet more .
17 Yet Seb could not find it in his heart to dislike Nahum Plunkett .
18 That is why I can not find it within me to sympathise with the poor punters who once besieged the offices of the Daily Mail demanding their £35,000 in prize money only to find that when the music stopped there were more winners than chairs for them to sit upon .
19 Often someone who wishes to use the toilet may not find it within easy reach or be able to get out of their chair in time .
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