Example sentences of "not always [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The variety of religious motivations was not always conducive to harmony among philanthropists .
2 The cut and thrust of debate and the pressures of executive responsibility , the essential features of open and responsible government , are not always conducive to a clear and unbiased explanation of the meaning of statutory language .
3 This is not always attributable to ‘ poor motivation ’ .
4 A second problem is that many bacteria living ‘ in the wild ’ are not always easy to culture in the laboratory .
5 Of course , it is not always easy to tell-why a baby is crying — there may be many different causes .
6 The symptoms of over-contrast are not always easy to spot on the monochrome viewfinder picture , so it pays to be specially vigilant if the light is very bright .
7 It is not always easy to directly compare the interest rates between different lenders because of differences in the way the charges are calculated — a good guide is the APR rather than the basic rate — and always bear in mind the possible arrangement or setting up fees !
8 be taking the mobile but if you have problems and you find getting the children over to Hill is difficult , cos it 's not always easy to .
9 But merger is not always tantamount to takeover .
10 Criticism of the retraining schemes is often that they train people for jobs that are not always available to them and they expect too much mobility from people who have further reasons , in their disability , for being reluctant to move from their familiar surroundings .
11 Stressful tension is not always apparent to the person suffering from it , but unless it is released it can build up until physical symptoms are felt : some of these may take the form of headaches , of ‘ butterflies in the tummy ’ , of rapid heart beats , of a feeling of pain at the back of the neck , poor sleeping , poor digestion , a pain like a sharp knife on the left side of the breastbone , shallow breathing , a tightness in the throat which can become quite painful .
12 Because the creatures of the plankton individually are small , they are not always visible to the naked eye .
13 Our instinctive reactions seem to be rooted in the past and they are not always appropriate to twentieth-century living .
14 SIR , — Your May 15 editorial is timely and wide-ranging both in geography and scope , but not always appropriate to our situation .
15 The authorities do not require other methods of recovery to be tested , and it is therefore not always possible to be sure whether using the aileron , for instance , will flatten the spin and make it more difficult to stop .
16 Now it is not always possible to be so absolutely in control of food intake that the slim person can guarantee each meal will be a low fat , low sugar , and fairly low-calorie affair .
17 He had to translate early botanical , English , Scots and Gaelic names into their modern botanical equivalents , although it was not always possible to be precise .
18 It is not always possible to be consistent about separating the two activities .
19 Moreover , their pay is not always subject to tax and social insurance deductions .
20 Local authorities were not always subject to such legal control .
21 ‘ It is always necessary to be loved but not always necessary to be admired . ’
22 However , it is important to realise that it is not always necessary to be able to characterise an employee " as the office " .
23 But it is not always satisfactory to the plaintiff .
24 The policies pursued were not always pleasing to Washington , and showed that the British could have a mind of their own .
25 Erm we 're not always privy to what goes on with the front bench , but yes we have established regular dialogue with Jack Straw and the environment team , in order that we make sure we are saying the same thing .
26 However , each case will depend on its particular circumstances , and equality monies are not always liable to ad valorem duty .
27 which are not always open to women .
28 There is little or no tradition of democratic government in these new states and the influence of Western liberal democratic traditions is not always likely to be great .
29 Based on a series of case studies in seven counties , it confirms that the most significant change in the arable landscape has been the loss of hedgerows and trees , but the authors argue that the present landscape is not always inferior to that of the past .
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