Example sentences of "not see [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 What the , President and colleagues as well as presenting himself as a great European leader , a demand which is not seen as be particularly , although at the moment , John Major and his government have sought to present themselves as green .
2 Nevertheless , many argued that , once again , Mr Yeltsin was not seen to be taking charge when most needed .
3 The care of children is not seen to be the proper business of the state , given the emphasis placed on individual freedoms and parental rights and duties .
4 The point is this : trust is only applauded when it is not seen to be misplaced .
5 Marxism is not seen to be particularly antagonistic to the rights of women , and several women attribute their general political consciousness to the education they received through the Party .
6 In general , the idea of forming anything more than a temporary joint household with one or other spouse 's parents is not seen to be a serious option .
7 The first is that by positioning himself conspicuously behind a veil , the Resident could leave the population in a state of desirable uncertainty about the degree of influence he actually exercised over their emir : his advice was not seen to be taken , but neither was it seen to be rejected .
8 And the Liverpool Society warns of the threat of external interference if the profession is not seen to be demonstrating effective self-regulation .
9 If firms are not seen to be flexible , they are in danger of losing out . ’
10 Perhaps this attitude of ‘ cooling it ’ , ‘ turning off ’ , ‘ keeping his head down ’ , ‘ disengaging ’ on the part of the failing student is a special case of what Roy Cox ( 1967 ) had in mind when he said : ‘ It is clear that where students are assessed in a way which is not seen to be relevant to what they are aiming at they will tend to distort and degrade the assessment so that it does not become a source of esteem . ’
11 Lyons , in fact , concedes ( b ) : ‘ I am only too prepared to accept that in other traditions scribal records either are not or are not seen to be intrinsically more reliable than memory and oral transmission . ’
12 President Bush has yet to be convinced that ‘ going green ’ will translate into real votes come the presidential election later in the year , and his advisers ( who enjoy nothing so much as bashing a few Greens on the media before breakfast ) have sown so many doubts in his mind about ‘ the lack of scientific evidence ’ that global warming is not seen to be one of the challenges he now faces — despite the fact that his country is responsible for nearly 30 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide , the main greenhouse gas .
13 The motion of the second ( coupler ) link is thus not seen to be represented by either of the two previous attachment procedures .
14 Since " murder " is a strong term and some killings are not seen to be as heinous as the archetypal murder case , the retention of a second form of criminal killing is probably a good idea .
15 While individuals may be seeking : ( 1 ) freedom to advance their careers by moving on to other firms , but " job security " in the meanwhile ; ( 2 ) payment , on death or retirement , of the full value of their partnership shares ( including capital contributions , undrawn profits , goodwill etc ) ; and ( 3 ) upon death and/or retirement from practice , financial security for themselves and their families , the firm 's priorities in the interests of preserving profitability are likely to be concentrated on : ( 1 ) the need to impose restrictions on the freedom of partners to leave without adequate notice and/or thereafter to compete with the firm ; ( 2 ) the ability to remove from the firm any partner who has failed to meet proper professional standards who is disruptive or who is not seen to be pulling his weight ; and ( 3 ) the need to minimise the strain on the firm 's finances when a partner leaves whilst recognising a certain moral responsibility towards the family of a deceased partner .
16 but erm , you know , they 'll get a lot of trouble and there 's a register , there 's a natural register of assessors and if an assessor is not seen to be doing his job he 'll get struck off basically and that will cause major problems then
17 Moreover , political authorities are often unwilling to define or take public responsibility for objectives that are not seen to be politically ‘ legitimate ’ .
18 The UK was not seen to be a true ‘ European ’ — a contention which many would say holds true today — and it tends to view the EC as an economic , rather than as a political union .
19 We have not taken this decision lightly and are making efforts to ensure that all staff are aware of the issues so that it is not seen to be just the ‘ childish ’ agitation of a minority group .
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