Example sentences of "not as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unbelievable , I mean I 've always looked upon the horse as a nice horse not as the winner of an Arkle .
2 The Alps were compelling , but only as part of the scenery , not as the winter activity playground they were to become .
3 The Agreement shall not apply to any claim brought against an occupier of land if the mud is deposited either by vehicles other than his own , or jointly by such vehicles and his own vehicles , and his Insurers grant indemnity to him in his particular capacity as an occupier of land and not as the user of the vehicles .
4 Not as the subway .
5 What of Leeds though I hear you cry , or not as the case maybe .
6 but you 're saying in , in , in short , are you , that erm , that in the present instance erm the obligation was put on the United Kingdom government which has sort , it may have succeeded or not as the case maybe , discharge the obligation by in effect erm subject to the subsidiary provisions which you 've both make reference and leaving it to er regulate these matters
7 Taxes Act 1988 , s683 provides that where income under a settlement is payable to or applicable for the benefit of any person other than the settlor then unless the situation comes within one of the following five situations ( listed in TA 1988 , s683(1) ) the income shall for the purposes of " excess liability " be treated as the income of the settlor and not as the income of any other person for tax purposes .
8 But the situation was not as the newspaper led its readers to believe , that is the articulate Mr Jones and the feral flock of savages locked in primitive combat .
9 Literary meaning must therefore be analyzed in its own terms , in the words of the Thèses ( Vachek 1966:49 ) as a ‘ semantic composition ’ , and not as the reflection of external factors .
10 Moreover this , exercise is intended as an illustration and not as the presentation of a detailed proposal for a capital sharing tax .
11 Most of all , we needed results : lower costs , radically shorter lead times and delivery-to-promise as a norm not as the exception .
12 But men in Scotland could look to the monarchy as the focal point and representative of their aspirations , not as the frustrator of them .
13 They therefore concluded that in consciousness itself we are aware of the brain topic-neutrally ; that is , not as the brain , but in some way that is neutral about the nature of the object of our consciousness .
14 It matters not ; within a few years and many fast and furious films later , he was being heralded not as the king of exploitation but as something of a genius , to which description he again did not object .
15 We need a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species : as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole .
16 Well he he he was a sinful person , as we all are erm , I think he did not as the way I understand it , you know Jesus came perfect in everything but he had a he had a a message to give and he could give it better , I think because he had experienced so many things .
17 As the Attorney-General — not as the Government — he took a stand and put his point to the House .
18 This writer remembers one Good Friday sermon in an Anglican parish church in which the preacher referred to the crucifixion not as the self-offering of God 's only Son and an event unique in man 's history but as an example of the ‘ little man ’ being maltreated by the all-powerful state .
19 From within such a perspective sexuality comes to be understood relationally — not as the relations within sexual difference , but the relations between the sexual and the non-sexual as these have been both imagined and as they may now be radically envisioned .
20 The breakdown of capitalism and the advent of a new form of society are conceived and explained as the outcome of the way a particular structure — the capitalist mode of production and capitalist society — works , not as the product of a historical process ; and the post-capitalist societies which can be foreseen , or which actually exist , may be as varied as were feudal societies or the absolutist states .
21 They are seen not as the victims of social problems but as those who contribute to their own victimisation by their irresolution or fatalism or apathy .
22 The other side of the story evolves around the person not as the object of demands imposed from the outside , but as the creator of such demands addressed to himself .
23 Not as the instrument of an actual assertion .
24 Yet at the same time there was discontinuity , for Jesus taught ‘ not as the scribes ’ , for unlike them his message was self-authenticating .
25 A form of rich picture was drawn up following the initial investigations , but it was used mainly as a summary of the structures , staffing levels and other essentially static factors that existed in the situation , and not as the basis for selecting a relevant system .
26 That would mean that all Hatton 's wealth had been acquired through blackmail , and blackmail entered into not as the consequence of a hi-jacking but of something else .
27 The contradictions that are built into the term ‘ inner city ’ have to be seen not as the root of analytical uncertainty but as the source of rhetorical utility .
28 Foot soldiers bore the brunt of the fighting , not as the light , multipurpose troops that the original Frankish warriors had tended to be , but divided into functional roles such as lightly armoured spearsmen or archers .
29 Their ports and forts in the Spice Islands or the West Indies or the West Coast of Africa were intended as supply bases for shipping and not as the starting point for territorial expansion .
30 She saw the boy who wrote poetry , and she loved him , but as the boy , not as the youth or the budding man .
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