Example sentences of "not that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not that many drivers will want to push it that far ; beyond 4000rpm the 1.4 Energy unit is distinctly thrashy .
2 Some know not that each Person in the Trinity is God ; nor that Christ is God and man ; nor that he took his human nature with him into heaven ; nor many the like necessary principles of our faith .
3 It was not that each child was continually talking but every now and then a child would speak to his neighbour or another would leave his place quietly and walk over to another child to speak with him .
4 The survey tells us that the chances of being burgled are less than the risk of domestic fire and that the chances of robbery are smaller than those of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital — not that such statistics will be a lot of consolation to those who are burgled or robbed .
5 The objection is not that such matters are raised but to the poisonous or venomous manner in which it is done .
6 It is not that such agendas are unresponsive to data but they are not responsive by way of direct testing .
7 Not that such claims were decisive .
8 It is not that such people are necessarily ‘ inadequate ’ , but that they feel themselves to be inadequate .
9 As explained above , the proposal of the FRED is not that such expenses be treated as an asset , but rather that they be taken into account in measuring a liability .
10 It is still more likely than not that all EC countries will have ratified the Maastricht Treaty by the end of 1993 , and it can then be left to one side for a year or so while the easing of German monetary policy and a return to positive European economic growth ease the pains of convergence .
11 Science is expected to be able to provide a guarantee that a bridge of some design will withstand various stresses and not collapse , but not that all bridges of that design will be satisfactory .
12 The argument here is not that all children should have access to all aspects of the curriculum .
13 Not that all boards are n't fun — the funboard describes a group of boards which may be a little unstable during the first steps afloat , but can be used in higher winds allowing the sailor to develop techniques such as the use of footstraps to cope with the speed of sailing in strong winds .
14 The real grist of Watchdog 's story is not that all fishtanks are dangerous but that there are tanks on the market made from glass that is far too thin .
15 As the constable quoted above makes clear , it is not that all neighbourhood policemen defuse every situation by the display of patience , sympathy , tolerance , and understanding , it is more that this is their first choice and they use other recipes , by becoming ‘ heavy-handed ’ and resorting to arrests , only when this one fails .
16 Our senses may inform us that any single whole is equal to all its parts ; but not that all wholes in the world are so , unless we could suppose , that we had seen or felt them all .
17 It was not that both sides were preparing for some future war to deter the other side .
18 Not that any man would be interested in me with a handicap like Mum .
19 Not that any amount of designer labels would or could reconcile her to the prospect of meeting Antoinette again .
20 It matters not that these natives were the people who had the original rights , and Thomson 's own humanity would never let his reader forget that fact ; all he lamented , as he always did , was the passing of an old way , especially when the future replacing it felt less sound .
21 It is not that these initiatives do not contain good educational practice which is being criticised here ( for they do ) , but rather the way in which they are seen by some as panaceas which can succeed without full professional involvement .
22 When , in Britain , it is suggested that the policies of the Conservative Government towards local authorities since 1979 raise constitutional questions , what is meant is not that these policies are in any sense illegal , but rather … that they breach hitherto accepted understandings , albeit tacit , as to how relationships between central government and local authorities should be ordered .
23 It is not that these writers were necessarily against the idea of a science of society , but they did argue that the idea and practice of social science is not as straightforward as positivism would have us believe .
24 Not that these changes made very much difference inside the Branch itself which just kept on doing its job , but reporting to a succession of different ministers .
25 His worry is not that these errors undermine any of their actual results : ‘ that the principles laid down by mathematicians are true , and their way of deduction from those principles clear and incontestable , we do not deny . ’
26 It is not that these things are in themselves opposed to religion , but the possessiveness and distractedness which they tend to promote are .
27 It is not that these judgements should not be made , but that where subjective judgements are made by the teacher she should be aware that this is so and be prepared , not only to give reasons for her judgements , but also to be sufficiently flexible to change them in the light of particular circumstances .
28 It is not that these issues are being dismissed in terms of their general abstract importance as a way of getting to grips with capitalism as a system .
29 It matters not that those customers are today seen as perfectly reasonable countries without weapons intentions who should not be denied the benefits of modern technology .
30 It matters not that those others sought , however strongly , to persuade the patient to refuse , so long as in the end the refusal represented the patient 's independent decision .
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