Example sentences of "not in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It is this declaration which symbolises the primacy of cohesiveness over stability , and it arose , one must recall , not in response to the avowed enemies of Socialism , but to a loyal leadership which demonstrated the will and ability to deal with society on society 's terms .
2 It was thus a political decision in the strictest sense , but it was taken , not in response to any kind of popular pressure , but in response to a narrowly but powerfully based pressure-group campaign in which those who stood to gain most from it financially , such as the makers of television sets , played a prominent role .
3 By the 1880s Blue Books almost always originated from the government and not in response to parliamentary demands .
4 These purchases or sales are not in response to changes in the PSBR or PSDR , and are best understood , therefore , in the context of an unchanged PSBR or PSDR .
5 The LTA are not in existence to be magazine publishers .
6 The intensity of the sound at any particular point on the sphere therefore decreases , not in proportion to the distance ( the radius ) but in proportion to the square of the distance from the sound source , as the wavefront advances and the sphere swells .
7 Britain is not in debt to the IMF , so the advice is entirely optional , but there are unpleasant echoes of the mid-1970s when Denis Healey had to borrow from the IMF to support the pound and was publicly forced to accept its advice to control the money supply and raise interest rates .
8 Damages are not normally available for this sort of misrepresentation , although the court does have a discretion to award damages instead of ( but not in addition to ) rescission — Misrepresentation Act 1967 , section 2(2) .
9 In the French LFAs , agriculture and nature conservation are not in conflict to any marked degree but in the UK uplands the conflict is severe and widespread .
10 In so far as fairness is used within the traditional adjudicative framework the balancing involved therein may be different in degree but not in kind to that which has always gone on within natural justice itself .
11 But the American press , used to seeing horses flat out from the start and going at it hammer and tongs , were not in tune to the subtleties of Piggott 's unleashing that burst , and the criticism started .
12 Not in tune to that one .
13 And then their moral and political convictions were engaged , not in contrast to the demands of convention , but just in deciding what these demands were , properly understood .
14 This may be done by a provision such as : If the Seller is in breach of this term the Buyer may reject the goods and terminate the contract [ making the term a condition ] or The Buyer will accept the goods even if they are delivered late and late delivery will not entitle the buyer to terminate the contract [ making the term a warranty ] or by using the words " condition " and " warranty " and then defining them in the contract : " condition " means a term of this contract any breach of which will entitle the party not in breach to ( i ) terminate the contract and ( ii ) claim damages for losses caused by breach of condition whether or not he terminates the contract .
15 Though we 're not in agreement to what 's happened , we got to be very careful because you see what 's happened to the coal er dispute .
16 But Christie — and this is really very unusual — is not in thrall to his public image .
17 No not in comparison to the jobs I 'd already been in .
18 Moreover , development work is not in opposition to more traditional social work activities , rather it is an essential range of skills — and even more essential philosophical commitment — which focuses on the pursuit of ‘ vertically efficient ’ work .
19 The generations of Marxists who have lived through the grievous experience of Fascism and who , in another order of things , have experienced Stalinist degeneration , appraise the concept of democracy in a different way [ from Lenin ] , and not in opposition to socialism and communism , but as a road towards them and as a main component of them .
20 The National Advisory Council was formed , it claimed , not in opposition to Stoloyan , but because of the involvement of unrepresentative union leaders in negotiations with the government .
21 A GRE spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the losses incurred over the past three years , as the life business had remained profitable .
22 Before addressing it , I must set out the facts , which are not in dispute to any significant degree .
23 Furthermore , there was a tendency for many decisions to be made not in proximity to the camps but in UNRWA 's headquarters in Vienna .
24 Once again , the male homosexual is someone who refuses to risk himself in relation to the other , but now the risk is not in relation to the opposite sex ( as in Scruton and Mailer ) , but to the same sex as rival .
25 This meant that the jury must have accepted the defence in relation to one charge but not in relation to the other .
26 There can be no subject without a content , and no contents not in relation to a subject .
27 Second , it is submitted for the plaintiffs that such action is not in relation to the grant or refusal of a further advance because the making of the valuation is not part of the administration or managerial process leading to the grant or refusal but is only a condition precedent to the actual process of making a grant .
28 In consequence , it was submitted , the relevant action was taken not by the society , the report was not required by the society for its own purposes and was thus not in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance , and a report negligently prepared could not constitute maladministration or a breach of the society 's obligations under any contract .
29 In those cases the report is not in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance so that even if negligently prepared it is not a matter of complaint within paragraph 3 of Part II to Schedule 12 .
30 If the wavecut platform extends much further seawards than the projection of the degraded cliff it seems very likely that much of the platform was cut in the past at the foot of the cliff which has now become degraded and not in relation to the present active section at the bottom of the cliff , the state of affairs shown in Fig. 8.13 .
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