Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 The high-cost economies of the EC can not insulate themselves from the world outside — from the more flexible economies of the Pacific Rim and North America .
2 Try to meet them in non-political situations and when you do not want anything from them .
3 Being infected should not add to her credibility , while not being so should not disqualify her from comment , she says .
4 So , while you may well have some trait or peculiarity about her that will give her a mark of distinction , this must be something that does not disqualify her from maximum general sympathy .
5 But this does not disqualify them from using the word , any more than the English who displaced the ancient Britons are disqualified from continuing to use the name ‘ Britain ’ ( no doubt to the irritation of their southern neighbours , the Bretons of Bretagne ) .
6 For this reason , the fact that three of the forty women had paid domestic help does not disqualify them from the title ‘ housewife ’ .
7 Thirdly , and consequentially , I argued that the elements of harmful consequences liability which are exhibited by the criminal law do not disqualify it from the status of positive moral order , because conventional morality ( as opposed to the critical morality of Kant or Smith , for example ) incorporates a notion of moral luck and indeed our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without some such idea .
8 So in sense then that er the extent of your injuries really would not debar you from working offshore as far as you understand ?
9 Do not regard me from ( the standpoint of ) your infirmity ; to you 't is night , to me that same night is morningtide .
10 Even I did not recognise him from his actions . ’
11 The mere fact that I have set myself the end X , with Y as a necessary means to it , and without conflict with other prudential or moral considerations , does not guarantee me from being mistaken in doing Y ( Anyone who supposed that it did would indeed be guilty of the Naturalistic Fallacy without appeal . )
12 They do not know one from another .
13 She takes a short cut down Avondale Road , and passes the five-bedroom detached house of Vic Wilcox without a glance , for she does not know him from Adam , and the house is outwardly no different from any of the other modern executive dwellings in this exclusive residential district : red brick and white paint , ‘ Georgian ’ windows , a tarmac drive and double garage , a burglar alarm prominently displayed on the front elevation . )
14 Electoral law does not forbid him from describing himself as Conservative but his rival , Mr Gerry Malone , will describe himself on the ballot paper as The Conservative Party Candidate .
15 You 'll not beat it from me . ’
16 We can not exclude them from our notion of property or deny that in a sense , at any rate , he is the owner of them .
17 This does not prevent him from honouring English writing when it is honourable ; for instance Binyon 's Dante , Rouse 's Homer , the early books of Adrian Stokes , and the poems of Basil Bunting .
18 It could not prevent him from having doubts .
19 Any irritation Tolkien felt at this appropriation of his own imaginative world did not prevent him from doing his best for the book .
20 His administrative post did not prevent him from taking an active part in several engagements , including the bloody battle of Chrysler 's Farm .
21 Deafness , however , did not prevent him from going off to South Africa and taking part in the Boer War .
22 But his claim to be able to represent the three major philosophical schools of the Vedānta does not prevent him from regarding Truth ( Satya ) as the most correct and most fully significant term that could be used for God .
23 Yet his expressed preference for the worship of the formless does not prevent him from recognizing that God is personal to those who need to feel his presence and embodied to those who desire to experience his touch .
24 He does not equate absolute Truth with particular instances of truth but that does not prevent him from recognizing that particular instances of truth , while not embodying absolute Truth , are nevertheless necessary to convey the meaning of absolute Truth .
25 He even claimed to have been reading a book on cybernetics at the time of the revolution , but his scholarly interests did not prevent him from amassing enormous wealth by the standards of his fellow citizens .
26 I duly notified ‘ the appropriate authorities ’ , and they replied that they could not prevent him from going because he was an English subject .
27 Although Colonel Newnham-Davis consistently pleaded for more varied menus and shorter meals , this did not prevent him from ordering and eating , with evident enjoyment and approval , what seems to-day a perfectly astounding meal .
28 He told the American writer , John Malcolm Brinnin , that he had learned , from working on the film production , more about writing for the theatre than he had learned in the theatre itself , but that did not prevent him from vetoing the idea , proposed by Sherek , that The Cocktail Party should also be filmed .
29 But like so many of his contemporaries , he had a selective vision of who " the people " were which did not prevent him from referring on occasion , like Burke , to the " swinish multitude " .
30 This , however , did not prevent him from becoming a cult figure among some of the Jacobins and other revolutionaries .
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