Example sentences of "not [vb infin] him for " in BNC.

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1 Cunningham 's chummy dropping of the ‘ Mr ’ from his name did not fool him for a moment : the withdrawn and irascible figure he had encountered in mid-afternoon was nearer the soul of this man than mine accommodating and smiling host of the Skein of Geese 's oak-panelled restaurant .
2 But it is too soon for him to face the likes of Devon Malcolm , and Fletcher said the tour selectors would not consider him for the pipe opener in Faridabad .
3 He did not qualify him for income support , he supported him on to the back of his ass , he took him to the inn .
4 Certainly Jenny did not see him for the first few evenings she was at Moorlake .
5 You 'll see — I 'll probably not see him for the rest of the week . ’
6 ‘ But you 'd better not see him for too long .
7 We do not condemn him for having being successful , but we do condemn a social security system which is prepared to help Mr Deaves indefinitely when other struggling families who do not meet the DSS 's criteria are thrown out of modest homes .
8 Holding that the defence was not available the court in effect classified the defendant 's belief that the arrest was unlawful as a mistake of law , which could not avail him for these purposes .
9 He had nothing to give Merymose to take to Kenamun , and the priest-administrator would not thank him for information which cast suspicion on two of the most powerful men in the country .
10 We can not blame him for this — he has his career to think of — but we must protest when he puts on his most earnest face and lectures the other two parties .
11 We must not blame him for this for he is a product of the evolution which used that very ruthlessness to make him just what he is , and what we all are at the beginning of our lives .
12 However , even if we can not blame him for murdering the other in his sleep , we might respect him more if he did put himself at a disadvantage by clinging to one of his last disintegrating scraps of morality .
13 His hatred since was channelled towards Beth , and , in all truth , she could not blame him for it .
14 Christ could not blame him for drinking .
15 We should not blame him for being a man of his time but commend him for his remarkable vision and altruism .
16 Caernarfonshire captain Dave Wallace said Llandudno had not engaged Barnes as a professional and did not pay him for playing .
17 Ironically , Gallacher 's capacity for tragedy did not leave him for long ; at the end of the game he was told his sister-in-law had died in Scotland , and as the tartan army led a ragtime jazz-band through the streets of London , Hughie Gallacher was on his way to the funeral .
18 She would not , could not leave him for this boy !
19 This man would blow up a city without five seconds ' compunction — and she did not criticise him for that — but he would insist on good whisky , eat in good restaurants , like to travel first-class .
20 I would not lose him for every noble we 'll get for him .
21 At this point in Louis 's reign Nithard comments : " the emperor could now feel confident that the aristocracy would not desert him for the rest of his life " .
22 Dick Crossman had been kept out of office or the expectation of it by both Attlee , who could not forgive him for resisting Bevin 's policy towards Palestine , and his successor .
23 IG Metall 's members could not forgive him for gambling in a casino for capitalists .
24 But some fans might not forgive him for leaving .
25 So a boxer who is struck by his opponent can not sue him for battery .
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