Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
2 He applied for a post in the service of the archduke : but Ferdinand was advised by his mother not to burden himself with such ‘ useless creatures who travel around all over the place , like beggars ’ .
3 One lesson Athens had learnt , not to overreach herself with warfare in two theatres .
4 Let us strive for relationships that are mutual and be careful not to impose ourselves on people who do n't want or need us .
5 Moreover , poorer clubs were anxious not to find themselves in a wages-auction with richer ones and the FA finally set a £4 a week maximum in 1900 , which was raised in 1909 to £5 for senior professionals with a club .
6 In particular , he urges his disciple not to become anxious about his failures and not to strain himself in his quest for perfection .
7 Bernard Baruch spoke for many business people when he complained that the British were quick to moan but not to help themselves by making their economy more productive and competitive .
8 This proposal has been partially absorbed in a different suggestion , that schools may decide for themselves whether or not to dissociate themselves from their Local Authority and become independent , relying on the DES to pay for their pupils by direct grant .
9 The answer … is not to resign ourselves to our women 's role — in a woman 's place — and demand payment for staying put , but to collectivise childcare , to share the responsibility for bringing up children within the community .
10 He takes care not to differentiate himself from his team in any way by status .
11 He told me not to put myself into my work , and not to poeticise things ( I am a poet ! ) .
12 ( 1 ) The defendants were the plaintiff 's agents for the sale of Caliban and as such owed him contractual and fiduciary duties to disclose to him all material matters concerning the sale so that he would be able to make an informed judgment as to what price to accept for Caliban. ( 2 ) The defendants were also under a fiduciary duty not to put themselves in a position where their duties to the plaintiff were in conflict with their own interests or those of any other of their clients .
13 Thus , in the present case , the scope of the fiduciary duties owed by the defendants to the plaintiff ( and in particular the alleged duty not to put themselves in a position where their duty and their interest conflicted ) are to be defined by the terms of the contract of agency .
14 ‘ He said to tell you he was working hard on the unknown numbers , and you are not to put yourself in danger of arrest . ’
15 But when she learned that their questions had arisen through their wonderings about Brown Owl and Mr. Gordon she told them sharply not to busy themselves in Brown Owl 's private affairs .
16 I advised and charged them not to stretch themselves beyond their line by speaking out of the [ local ] society , or by fancying themselves public teachers .
17 Libyans knew of civilians imprisoned , officers hanged or shot for voicing opinions contrary to the regime , and they took care not to expose themselves by expressing hostility or opposition in public .
18 I was absolutely determined not to expose myself to the sort of pain that love can bring . ’
19 He must get it right today , however , if he is not to land himself with the label of being one of the best horses never to win a Gold Cup .
20 However , the type of outlet is secondary to the quality and price of the rugs being sold ; it is therefore essential to shop around , and not to allow yourself to be rushed into buying .
21 But I was determined not to allow myself to be hauled in like a helpless fish as he reeled in his capable line .
22 In his first independent act as king he established his authority on a sure foundation and revealed both a sound political judgement and a determination not to allow himself to be dependent upon a small group of powerful nobles .
23 Travis was impatient to get on , but Paige was in a Libran mood , depressed and bloody-minded enough not to allow herself to be chivvied before she was ready .
24 The band were anxious not to repeat themselves with their second ‘ proper ’ album .
25 But he had determined not to exonerate himself in the course of his conversation with Mrs Mallory , and he had held grimly to that resolution .
26 Not to save myself from your anger , or my body from whatever punishment you may choose to inflict on it .
27 It was not to pass examinations and qualify for better wages , not to raise themselves into a higher social class — though these are respectable ambitions and no doubt many of those early students felt them — but to get at knowledge for its own sake because without it their existence would be less worth to them , that the working classes demanded education and got it .
28 This newly created honourary office carried with it ex officio membership of the executive committee so that , it was hoped Ayliffe 's years of experience would not be wholly lost to the Association by his decision not to offer himself for reelection as President .
29 he has for the aforesaid common good and defence of the realm ordained that as clerks ought not to defend themselves by force of arms , the third part of the present year 's temporalities of prelates and clerks and all persons of holy church , religious and other is to be seized .
30 What is called the ‘ moral sense ’ is on this account being able to recognize that if , even against my present will , I let myself become aware of how someone in trouble feels , I would be moved to help , and that I ought not to close myself to this awareness .
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