Example sentences of "not [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In man not seeing them at .
2 When I took over , the ‘ Whads ’ were already twenty points adrift from the rest of football and while not seeing myself beyond blame entirely , my denial of any involvement in our downfall does not mean my commitment is any less than 110 per cent .
3 Her not seeing it as what it was .
4 I should think it probably would , but I do n't think that 's any reason for not starting it and for not seeing it as a major goal , because after all erm the travel market , as we 've heard , is extremely competitive erm people really do vote with their feet and if we do n't then people wo n't come here , and now we really have got a fight on our hands to encourage people to come here , particularly from North America .
5 At first we considered moving to Devon , which we had come to know during speaking engagements for Mark Bonham-Carter at Torrington and Jeremy Thorpe at Barnstaple , but not seeing anything to our liking , turned our thoughts to our native Scotland .
6 ‘ I 'm not bringing anyone at all and , as to the seat , I 'll pay for mine as soon as I see you . ’
7 He was cooking this food , not bringing it in pre-frozen packs .
8 If it 's too dirty I 'm not bringing it in mind .
9 It could be ‘ neo-Stalinism ’ ( refusing to say Russia was a capitalist country ) ; ‘ Pabloite revisionism ’ ( deciding to join the Labour Party secretly ) ; ‘ tailism ’ ( waiting for trade unions to organize strikes rather than getting on with it yourself ) ; ‘ liquidationism ’ ( dissolving the sect into a larger movement , hoping that its ideas will catch on ) ; ‘ parliamentary cretinism ’ ( advising people to vote Labour ) ; ‘ stageism ’ ( not demanding everything at once ) ; or even ‘ centreism ’ ( expressing a liking for Tony Benn ) .
10 I think we tend to eat much faster , if you like , and , and to take more snacks , and I think it 's interesting that the rise of the use of a coffee table ties in a lot with the rise of people having televisions in their front rooms , because introducing the television made all kinds of changes into , just the way people arrange their chairs , not centring them round the fire any more , and a coffee table 's a very neat addition to that kind of arrangement .
11 Carl had no time for these , or possibly our parents failed him by not encouraging him in that direction .
12 monitor current prescriptions to make sure that children are not using them for their first experiments with drugs .
13 I 'm not using him as an excuse or anything , but I do feel he 's got a lot to do with the way my life 's been .
14 Amy 's not using it at the moment , oh goodness me .
15 not using it for some
16 He was not using it to further his own human development , he was using it up for the profit of the people who paid him , the anonymous shareholders and their abstract interests .
17 Comparing the proportion of never smokers in the groups using the family and smoking project and those not using it by χ 2 analysis gave a result consistent with the results of the model ( χ 2 a d j =3.7 , df=1 ; p=0.05 ) .
18 As the use of Carbonflo has not been totally proved yet , I suggest not using it in your diesel .
19 The message is that drivers who do n't break their journey , are in serious danger of not completing it at all .
20 No , I 'm not sticking it on my tie
21 On the other hand , the independence of the Tariff Reform League was a positive advantage : after January 1913 the party supported the tariff policy but was not including them in its immediate programme , so that Central Office could continue to distribute tariff propaganda from the TRL without compromising party policy .
22 ‘ The truth is I knew throughout the summer that my game was not as sharp and I was not enjoying myself on the course as I did in 1991 .
23 He began to eat his breakfast , not enjoying it in the least .
24 I 'm not accusing you of anything , Luke .
25 ‘ I 'm not accusing you of getting older .
26 Devon Malcolm was not sparing himself on a pitch which was offering help to all the bowlers but Waugh seemed to have a ridiculous amount of time to ease him through the leg field twice in an over for two of his 10 boundaries .
27 ‘ You 're not helping him by behaviour like this , ’ snapped Drew .
28 I 'm not touching you with your
29 Order , I am not in , I am not allowing anything outside the scope of the debate Mr Michael Spicer .
30 ‘ Yeah — Mum , I told you , did n't I — ’ Cal suddenly got excited — ‘ it 's because Bina 's not allowing herself to be what she ought to be !
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