Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 He had not stopped looking at her , though .
2 Our telephones have not stopped ringing with calls from readers eager to find out more about the Cellulite Roadshow , and from experts eager to praise our unique idea .
3 My telephone has not stopped ringing with colleagues accusing me of changing my allegiance and forsaking my birthright .
4 The truckers ' strike during July and August 1973 was also largely motivated by controls — the shortages of spare parts for their trucks , official discrimination against them in favour of state-run firms , and the fact that the charges which they could make were fixed by the government but not adjusted to take into account the rapid rate of inflation .
5 They are not intended to serve as illustrations of something more general .
6 The two tiers are not intended to exist in a hierarchical relationship to each other .
7 I had not intended to intrude on my hon. Friend 's speech , but does he consider that a schoolteacher , whose salary is fixed through national wage agreements by the independent pay review body for teachers and who lives in my hon. Friend 's or my constituency in the south-east , is better able to afford the council tax on a higher band than a teacher who lives in Darlington or elsewhere in the north ?
8 It is not intended to go into them in any detail here .
9 The work can be at various levels from initial reconnaissance to diamond drilling but is not intended to go beyond the discovery stage of a mineral deposit .
10 The few reservations I have expressed about the encyclopedia are not intended to detract from its excellence .
11 Not all planning authorities , however , are of the opinion that odour pollution is best dealt with by planning controls , many considering that ‘ planning ’ is not intended to deal with such problems being the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive and the District Environmental Health Department .
12 Granada 's defence that the words were not intended to refer to the plaintiff and would not have been so regarded by reasonable viewers was rejected by the jury , after hearing that the officer had received " unpleasant and damaging " comments afterwards .
13 The report is not intended to lead to new regulations but to establish an agenda for HSE work .
14 More recently some Universities and Polytechnics developed courses for ethnic minorities — but these when they were focused on developing multilingual skills were not intended to lead to a specialism in minority languages but simply to serve support strategies which fall far short of teaching the languages as such .
15 We agree with the judge that the Code simply was not intended to apply in such a context .
16 A purchase notice is not intended to apply in a case in which an owner is simply prevented from realising the full potential value of his land .
17 These expressions may constitute either a promise , by which the maker of the statement intends that he should be bound , or a representation which is not intended to operate as a promise but is made with the intention and does have the effect of persuading the other party to enter into the contract .
18 Although I had not intended to work on her aura , my hands began to scan the energy field surrounding her physical body .
19 There is a long-standing presumption that Acts of Parliament are not intended to derogate from the requirements of international law .
20 A contract of hire is a species of bailment and although it is readily distinguishable from sale in that general property is not intended to pass to the hirer , there are important public policy issues in a consumer hire context , which dictate that the owner be subject to similar liability to that visited upon the seller .
21 ‘ Having regard to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case , I have no doubt that the property was not intended to pass in this case on contract but only in exchange for a valid building society cheque , but even if it may be regarded as intended to pass in exchange for a false , but believed genuine , building society cheque it will not in my view avail the insurers . ’
22 The decision by a court that a particular situation was not intended to come within the ambit of a statute , though within its words in what may be their most obvious meaning , does not deny the supremacy of Parliament , for if Parliament disagrees with the decision it can pass another Act dealing specifically with the type of case .
23 She had not intended changing for the evening , country inns being the right setting for good tweed suits ; but now she took her time about dressing , and chose a very austere frock in a dark russet-orange shade that touched off the marmalade lights in her eyes .
24 The Munn Report , therefore , started with an analysis of the present situation , which considered such issues as certificate versus non-certificate courses , the problem of lower ability children being pushed into ‘ O ’ grade examinations which they were not intended to cater for , the need to prepare pupils for life in a modern industrial society , and the importance of analysing the content , teaching methods , learning milieu , and informal aspects of the curriculum .
25 I had not intended to contribute to the debate but the hon. Member for Keighley ( Mr. Waller ) , who introduced the motion , was asked several questions during his introductory speech and he failed stoically to produce any answers .
26 This is not intended to demean in any way the at times very fine lithographs that Redon produced , but rather to imply that they are directly connected in his mind to the literary and visual sources that interested him , including Edgar Allan Poe , Charles Baudelaire , Gustave Flaubert , Stephane Mallarmé , and Goya amongst others .
27 I had not intended to speak on the motion , but I feel that I must bring to the attention of the House certain points made by the Select Committee on Procedure in two reports to the House on the passage of legislation .
28 The pianist was Roger Bluff , who seemed able to draw a singing tone from the Festival piano that I have not heard matched for some time .
29 The Tsar has not heard tell of him and wo n't know him ; maybe he will be allowed to join the wedding procession . "
30 Had this village really not heard tell of the miracle-working Gabriel ?
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